Behavior Modifications
It is important to realize the understanding that changing your body and its form is close to impossible without changing yourself. Many times people assume that losing weight temporarily will make them happy indefinitely because they reached their goal and now they can relax. Sure you can relax a little, but when it comes to your diet, you can never veer of track. There's no point in losing weight then putting it all eventually back on. Many tend to think that a quick fix for summer or something is all they need when in reality most people that lose weight and then put it back on become overwhelmingly let down with themselves. All that hard work, time, and effort is now gone for what, a whopper?
What is the solution then? What's to be done? Well that all depends on where you placed your bets. You need to start thinking long term versus short term. What weight suits you to a point where you can eat a fair amount socially with friends and at the same point stay on track. It's all about balance. And when you are performing this balancing act we call life try not to swing to far one way because it will result in a natural momentum change in the opposite direction. Like a pendulum and how it can swing steadily and even. At the same time the pendulum can swing wildly too far one way only resulting in it crashing into something on the opposite side. In our case, your weight can swing this exact same way. Try to have an evenly balanced distribution of momentum on both sides at all times. This way, your weight will never swing out of whack.
Many folks will seek professional counseling after they've lost a dramatic amount of weight as it is a shock to so many of their emotions it's hard to rationalize sometimes. This is a perfectly normal process that thousands go through every day. However, a cheaper alternative to psychotherapy would be to just talk it out with a family member or even friend. Most worry about how well they are doing and if they slip up and go back to the way that they were then they don't know how they'd handle it. That is the biggest fear of them all. Remember it's all about balance. So you put a few pounds back on, time to lose a few. That sounds manageable to anyone I think.
Repeatedly enforcing and conditioning a person's tendencies and maintaining certain goals is what separates one from the rest. You have to be the one in control and you have to know that you are the one behind the wheel. It is you and you alone that could steer yourself in the right or wrong direction in life. It's time to reassess how you look at yourself and whether or not you're doing what's right or wrong. It's good to sometimes look outside of your own shoes. Having a friend or family member is a good option that could definitely help you in this regard.
The only one that can change how you react to certain things happening to yourself or in this case, your body, is you. People pay hundreds, no thousands for personal trainers all over the world where they are constantly being pushed by someone else. Perhaps they need this because they know in their hearts without someone they'd never take that kind of initiative on their own or it would take something drastic for them to do so. This is a sad story to tell but many don't have the self esteem and will power that others have. Maybe they do, but because they have the financial means they think sure why not take the easy way out and hire a personal trainer, a nutritionist, or whomever to monitor their "habits" for them. In the end, everyone on the planet could use help with one aspect of their life or another. But at the end of the day the best one to turn to for the answers is the person standing in the mirror because that person never lies.
What is the solution then? What's to be done? Well that all depends on where you placed your bets. You need to start thinking long term versus short term. What weight suits you to a point where you can eat a fair amount socially with friends and at the same point stay on track. It's all about balance. And when you are performing this balancing act we call life try not to swing to far one way because it will result in a natural momentum change in the opposite direction. Like a pendulum and how it can swing steadily and even. At the same time the pendulum can swing wildly too far one way only resulting in it crashing into something on the opposite side. In our case, your weight can swing this exact same way. Try to have an evenly balanced distribution of momentum on both sides at all times. This way, your weight will never swing out of whack.
Many folks will seek professional counseling after they've lost a dramatic amount of weight as it is a shock to so many of their emotions it's hard to rationalize sometimes. This is a perfectly normal process that thousands go through every day. However, a cheaper alternative to psychotherapy would be to just talk it out with a family member or even friend. Most worry about how well they are doing and if they slip up and go back to the way that they were then they don't know how they'd handle it. That is the biggest fear of them all. Remember it's all about balance. So you put a few pounds back on, time to lose a few. That sounds manageable to anyone I think.
Repeatedly enforcing and conditioning a person's tendencies and maintaining certain goals is what separates one from the rest. You have to be the one in control and you have to know that you are the one behind the wheel. It is you and you alone that could steer yourself in the right or wrong direction in life. It's time to reassess how you look at yourself and whether or not you're doing what's right or wrong. It's good to sometimes look outside of your own shoes. Having a friend or family member is a good option that could definitely help you in this regard.
The only one that can change how you react to certain things happening to yourself or in this case, your body, is you. People pay hundreds, no thousands for personal trainers all over the world where they are constantly being pushed by someone else. Perhaps they need this because they know in their hearts without someone they'd never take that kind of initiative on their own or it would take something drastic for them to do so. This is a sad story to tell but many don't have the self esteem and will power that others have. Maybe they do, but because they have the financial means they think sure why not take the easy way out and hire a personal trainer, a nutritionist, or whomever to monitor their "habits" for them. In the end, everyone on the planet could use help with one aspect of their life or another. But at the end of the day the best one to turn to for the answers is the person standing in the mirror because that person never lies.