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What Are the Symptoms of ADD in Teens?

What Are the Symptoms of ADD in Teens?

While most adolescents can seem hyper and spacey at one point or another, some may have so much trouble functioning from day to day that they are diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Your teen may not recognize ADD/ADHD symptoms in himse
Your Mind-Your Body-Your Spirit

Your Mind-Your Body-Your Spirit

The harmony amongst the mind, body and soul is of utmost priority. The fitness and health regimes concerning these three areas are complex and influence the humans overall and also each other. Hence for exact and precise fitness, enhancement of each of these components is very important. They have b
Healing With Matirx Reimprinting - Why Do Money Problems Come From An Unlikely Source?

Healing With Matirx Reimprinting - Why Do Money Problems Come From An Unlikely Source?

As well as causing some phobias and stress-related illnesses, traumatic events in our childhood are responsible for deep-seated beliefs that drive our behaviour. The identification of these beliefs is the first step in financial healing. In this article, I discuss how beliefs can be identified using
Do You Love a Borderline?

Do You Love a Borderline?

Loving someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a roller coaster ride. You're adored or abandoned. They have the quintessential Jekyll and Hyde personality. Borderlines live in unbearable psychic pain. They can be vindictive and punish you with words, silence, or other manipulation
How to Quit Smoking on Your Own

How to Quit Smoking on Your Own

Smoking is extremely addictive. Most cigarette smokers find it extremely difficult to quit. Many who do manage to stop smoking often start smoking again. There are many ''stop smoking'' methods that claim to help you ''kick the habit.'' Some do help, while others work but for only a short time. Unle
A Holistic Protocol for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

A Holistic Protocol for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Fibromyalgia is a whole life illness, and it requires a whole life solution. There is no magic bullet to "fix" fibromyalgia, but for those that are willing to target their condition from a number of different angles, there really is hope. In my experience, recovering from symptoms of fibro
Bipolar Disorder Causes

Bipolar Disorder Causes

Bipolar disorders are a series of mood disorders that have symptoms of mania and depression. These extreme mood swings affect all aspects of a person's life, including home and work. Studies show that several factors may contribute to the mental illness. The causes of bipolar include biochemical cha
Five ADHD Risk Factors

Five ADHD Risk Factors

While it is difficult to pinpoint which child will develop ADHD and which one will not, there are a few factors that can trigger chronic inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Here are 5 possible ADHD causes that you need to watch out for. While some of these factors cannot be prevented, there
Compulsive Disorder - How Do I Stop Obsessive Cleaning?

Compulsive Disorder - How Do I Stop Obsessive Cleaning?

Many of my clients that ask me this question are very concerned about this. They pride themselves in having a clean house but they know that they spend a little too much time cleaning things that have already been cleaned.
When Healthy Is Not Enough: - Unleash The Power Of Belief!

When Healthy Is Not Enough: - Unleash The Power Of Belief!

Symptoms of Illness are commonly just the final exposition of a past traumatic event that caused a disturbance in the body's energy field. Such a traumatic event immediately impacts the other 5 elements that constitute Health, long before it becomes measurable at the physical level. This is an
The Brain on Jigsaw Puzzles

The Brain on Jigsaw Puzzles

Dementia may cause a person's mood and personality to change. At first, there may be memory loss and trouble thinking clearly. Later, disruptive behavior and other problems may start.
Knowledge is neccesay to beat procrastination

Knowledge is neccesay to beat procrastination

Procrastination is a kind of psychological problem which can harm you or anyone if it is once attacked on you. Somebody think that its not a serious problem or it cant not harm anyone but for those wh
Self Help Products and Services

Self Help Products and Services

Self help refers to a system of self-guided improvement. It can cover a wide range of techniques and belief systems. There are so many different learning methods and courses available that it can be hard to know what to choose.
Obsessive Compulsive Behavior Symptoms

Obsessive Compulsive Behavior Symptoms

An individual with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder engages in rituals as a result of obsessive thoughts. OCD usually becomes evident during childhood, and most individuals receive a diagnosis by the age of 19. Obsessions and compulsions can be severe enough to severely disrupt a person's life.
ADHD Parenting: Dealing With Social Immaturity

ADHD Parenting: Dealing With Social Immaturity

Next to school difficulty and ADHD parenting problems, moms and dads of kids with ADHD worry most about their children's peer relationships. One of the most common concerns raised by parents is that their child can't seem to get along with classmates, or that he or she doesn't quite a
Weight Loss Down

Weight Loss Down

you turn me on my cell change you going to have child are photo case of about that want to try to stay in a certain color rains but it may not work outweigh everything ...
Many Ways to Break the "Worry-Wart" Habit

Many Ways to Break the "Worry-Wart" Habit

Are you a worry wart? Do you constantly fret and stew about everything, especially your job or your health? Worry is one of the big hazards to better health, so most doctors advise ways to get rid of
Anxiety/Panic: Overview & Facts

Anxiety/Panic: Overview & Facts

Depression, anxiety, panic, trauma -- these are components of an anxiety disorder. This overview will help you get a better picture of this problem.