Holiday Survival for the Ultra Shy
Holiday Survival for the Ultra Shy
Just because you're shy doesn't mean you have to dodge the mistletoe this holiday season.
According to Carducci, the No. 1 concern among shy people is starting and maintaining conversations. Shy people often worry they won't have anything smart to say -- a fear that stems from a misconception about the purpose of small talk. "The purpose is just to let others know you are willing to talk," Carducci says. "It's not to show people how brilliant, sophisticated, or funny you are. It's not designed to help you find a soul mate. The basic rule is you don't have to be brilliant, just nice."
"We call it small talk, because it is small," Cheek says. If you need ideas for things to say, try watching the news or reading reviews of movies or books. "A shy person can prepare for small talk by doing some 'culture of the day' homework."
Carducci recommends reading books or taking seminars on small talk, as well as practicing with friends. "You are not born with the gift of gab. It's an acquired skill, like learning to play golf or tennis."
For Ruggles, the opportunity to practice small talk comes with his job. "I'm always going to new clients' offices to fix their problems," he says. "The more social interaction I have, the better I get."
If your day job doesn't offer the chance to meet new people on a regular basis, Carducci suggests signing up for volunteer projects. He says the holiday season is the perfect time to start volunteering at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter, where you can meet people who share your interests. "You have the basis of conversation. You see [the other volunteers] again and again. They can become friends."
Volunteering backstage with a community theater group helped Nan expand her shyness comfort zone. Eventually she felt comfortable enough to perform on stage in three of the group's musicals. "I've started to realize my friends are going to be my friends," she says, "and I care less about what other people think."
While the holiday season can be challenging if you're shy, it can also be a time of growth. To make the most of it, Ruggles offers a sensible reminder. "People don't bite... and if they do bite, they aren't worth your time."
Holiday Survival for the Ultra Shy
Just because you're shy doesn't mean you have to dodge the mistletoe this holiday season.
Keep the Small Talk "Small"
According to Carducci, the No. 1 concern among shy people is starting and maintaining conversations. Shy people often worry they won't have anything smart to say -- a fear that stems from a misconception about the purpose of small talk. "The purpose is just to let others know you are willing to talk," Carducci says. "It's not to show people how brilliant, sophisticated, or funny you are. It's not designed to help you find a soul mate. The basic rule is you don't have to be brilliant, just nice."
"We call it small talk, because it is small," Cheek says. If you need ideas for things to say, try watching the news or reading reviews of movies or books. "A shy person can prepare for small talk by doing some 'culture of the day' homework."
Carducci recommends reading books or taking seminars on small talk, as well as practicing with friends. "You are not born with the gift of gab. It's an acquired skill, like learning to play golf or tennis."
People Don't Bite
For Ruggles, the opportunity to practice small talk comes with his job. "I'm always going to new clients' offices to fix their problems," he says. "The more social interaction I have, the better I get."
If your day job doesn't offer the chance to meet new people on a regular basis, Carducci suggests signing up for volunteer projects. He says the holiday season is the perfect time to start volunteering at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter, where you can meet people who share your interests. "You have the basis of conversation. You see [the other volunteers] again and again. They can become friends."
Volunteering backstage with a community theater group helped Nan expand her shyness comfort zone. Eventually she felt comfortable enough to perform on stage in three of the group's musicals. "I've started to realize my friends are going to be my friends," she says, "and I care less about what other people think."
While the holiday season can be challenging if you're shy, it can also be a time of growth. To make the most of it, Ruggles offers a sensible reminder. "People don't bite... and if they do bite, they aren't worth your time."