Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

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Varieties of Intermediate Day Onions

Varieties of Intermediate Day Onions

Onions have been used for over 3,000 years as food and medicine. Intermediate day onions grow well in the central area of the U.S. and begin forming bulbs when day length reaches 12 to 14 hours. They can be planted in the fall in some areas that have milder winters, where temperatures don't go below
My Peace Lily Is Turning Brown on the Tips

My Peace Lily Is Turning Brown on the Tips

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is one of the most popular houseplants. Its ability to adapt to poorly lit indoor conditions stems from its native habitat of the rain forest's floor. It grows white flowers called spathes and long, wide dark green leaves. A common problem when growing peace lilies is
How to Make Natural Vinegar Fungus Fighter for Plants

How to Make Natural Vinegar Fungus Fighter for Plants

If you notice stunted gray or white areas on your garden plants, chances are your plants have been infected with a fungus. Although fungus generally doesn't kill plants, it is unsightly and will eventually cause the leaves to turn brown and fall off. If you prefer not to use toxic chemicals in your
What Stage of Flowering Do the Buds Begin to Swell?

What Stage of Flowering Do the Buds Begin to Swell?

Bud swelling generally begins in the second stage of flowering development, according to the University of Wisconsin Horticulture Department. "Bud swelling" is a term that is used by botanists to describe the phases following bud inactivity and precedes bud break in the developmental morphology of f
Will Excessively Hot Weather Cause Tomato Plants to Wilt?

Will Excessively Hot Weather Cause Tomato Plants to Wilt?

Tomatoes are summertime plants that die in temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Tomatoes that experience excessively hot temperatures require specialized care.
How to Take Care of the Money Tree or Pachira Plant

How to Take Care of the Money Tree or Pachira Plant

Pachira money trees can handle a wide range of growing conditions. The plants may remain small in a pot if you prune them, or they can grow quite large if you do not contain their growth. The money tree grows in homes as a decorative houseplant, and many people believe it will bring them good luck.
Planting Dates for Potatoes in the Southern United States

Planting Dates for Potatoes in the Southern United States

Stop being a couch potato; get outside and plant some potatoes this spring. Potatoes can tolerate extended storage in dark, cool places and often last an entire year before shriveling beyond use. You can cut a huge chunk out of your average grocery costs by growing your own potatoes.
Tiny Flies in Plant Soil

Tiny Flies in Plant Soil

The tiny flies that infest plant soil are usually either fungus gnats or shore flies. Although the adult flies do not live long, they quickly multiply in greenhouses and among container-grown plants. Fungus gnats and shore flies eat fungus and algae in soil and potting media. They usually do not cau
Pine Trees in Hawaii

Pine Trees in Hawaii

Several species of pine trees grow in Hawaii.Jupiterimages/ ImagesMany types of pine trees grow in the island state of Hawaii, many of which have been introduced from their native regions. After Captain James Cook discovered what he called the "Sandwich Islands," many more...
UV Bulbs for Plants

UV Bulbs for Plants

Simulate natural outdoor light for your indoor plants with UV bulbs.Jupiterimages/ ImagesUV lights for plants, or grow lights, provide light similar to sunlight for plants grown indoors. UV lights allow you to extend your growing season, maintain the health of plants...
How to Rid Roses of Aphids

How to Rid Roses of Aphids

Aphids are the most common pest problem when growing roses. They feed on the tender new growth at the tips of the canes, causing new growth and flowers to be stunted. Aphids can be red, green or brown.
How Do I Kill Dallis Grass?

How Do I Kill Dallis Grass?

Dallis grass is commonly identified by its light green color and furry seed tips that grow out of a clump of grass. Whenever you have a lawn you are trying to maintain, weeds are usually not something you want growing in the landscape. According to All About Lawns, Dallis grass often grows in moist
How Much Water for a Vegetable Garden?

How Much Water for a Vegetable Garden?

Plants need four things to grow and live: air, soil, water and sunlight. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, and minerals and water from soil, and sunlight allows the process of photosynthesis to occur within a plant. Knowing how much to water a vegetable garden is essential to helping the pl
Types of Soil for Colonial Bentgrass

Types of Soil for Colonial Bentgrass

Colonial bentgrass, a cool-season grass, is ideal for cool, coastal landscapes. Sometimes referred to as "luxury grass," for its fine blades and high-maintenance nature, it requires more water and fertilizer than most other grasses. It tends to produce high thatch levels and does not tolerate heavy
How to Care for Devil's Ivy

How to Care for Devil's Ivy

Devil's ivy or pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, is one of the most commonly grown houseplants. It works well as an individual plant in a pot, hanging in a basket, alongside other plants or growing up a sort of totem pole in an upright fashion. Devil's ivy tends to stay about 18 inc
Cleveland Pear Tree Wilting

Cleveland Pear Tree Wilting

Although a lack of water is the most common reason for Cleveland pear trees to wilt, there are other problems that can lead to a wilting tree. Caring for a Cleveland pear tree can reverse the wilting process.
Will Gypsum Help My Garden Soil?

Will Gypsum Help My Garden Soil?

Gypsum if often promoted as a helpful gardening soil amendment. Although it may benefit gardeners in some regions, gypsum is not a universal cure. Always perform a soil test before applying gypsum or any other soil amendment.
My Roses Have Yellow Leaves & Black Spots

My Roses Have Yellow Leaves & Black Spots

Having a specific symptom on your rose bush can quickly help to diagnose a problem. Spotting the signs early can usually save the plant. A spray or dust can help combat pests and disease, but it's essential to correctly identify the problem first.
How to Grow Avocado Nuts

How to Grow Avocado Nuts

You might not grow an avocado tree that produces fruit, but you can grow a tree from its nutlike seed just for the fun of it. Very ripe avocados that haven't been refrigerated work best for germinating. If you have a few sunny locations in your home and don't mind pruning, you can grow a bushy avoca
Botrytis Fungus on White Cattleya Orchids

Botrytis Fungus on White Cattleya Orchids

The fungus Botrytis cinerea causes a condition known as petal blight or botrytis blight, which causes discoloration of the petals of the flower. For an ornamental plant like the white cattleya orchid, these unsightly blemishes greatly detract from the beauty of the flower. Correctly identifying the