Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Will Excessively Hot Weather Cause Tomato Plants to Wilt?

    The Facts

    • Tomatoes are warm-weather plants that die in frost or cold temperatures. These plants should never go into the garden if there is frost on the ground, or if nighttime temperatures are under 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • According to the University of Missouri Extension, ideal temperatures for tomato production are between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures encourage deep red, firm and juicy fruits.

    Hot Weather

    • Also according to the University of Missouri Extension, temperatures over 92 degrees may damage tomato fruit and cause fruit to develop white sections.

    Tomato Wilting

    • Hot weather makes tomato plant growth more difficult as well. Tomatoes may wilt and fail under the heavy heat and burning sun of particularly hot areas.


    • During hot spells, tomato plants should receive increased watering to encourage more moisture in the soil and prevent wilt. Tomatoes in pots can be moved into semi-shade to protect them from hot, burning sun.

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