Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Plant Hybrid Tea Roses in Central Florida

    • 1). Select a planting site for your hybrid tea roses. For best results, choose a site on the east or southeast side of your home. The location you select should provide six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day, but offer light shade in the late afternoon to protect them from the hot central Florida sun. Look for a planting site that also offers nutrient-rich, well-draining soil.

    • 2). Clear the planting site of any existing vegetation or debris. Grass or weeds growing at your planting site will compete with your hybrid tea roses for valuable nutrients and moisture. Make sure to dig up the roots of existing vegetation to prevent their return.

    • 3). Amend the soil at your planting site to make it suitable for your hybrid tea roses. Add soil amendments like aged manure, coarse builder's sand and sphagnum peat moss to enrich and aerate your soil. Use a tiller to till the amendments into the top 12 inches of soil at your planting site.

    • 4). Dig the planting holes for your hybrid tea roses to 20 to 25 inches wide, but only about 16 to 18 deep. If you are planting multiple rosebushes, space the planting holes 5 to 6 feet apart to give the bushes ample room to grow and develop.

    • 5). Plant the hybrid tea rosebushes in their prepared planting holes. Make sure to plant them at the same level they were planted in their nursery containers. Tamp down the surface of the soil to secure your hybrid tea roses in the ground.

    • 6). Water your hybrid tea roses generously after planting. Use a slow-watering method like a drip, soaker or bubbler hose to make sure the moisture sinks in at least 16 inches into the soil.

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