Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

General Rules for Fertilizing Corn

    Prior to Planting

    • Have your soil tested to determine its level of fertility and the amount of nutrients it contains. The Purdue University Extension recommends applying 3 to 4 lbs. of 12-12-12 granulated fertilizer for every 100 square feet of growing bed to establish a base fertility level without having the soil tested.

    After Germination

    • Side-dress with high-nitrogen fertilizer that includes phosphorus, such as 20-10-0, within 7 days of germination, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension. This will ensure that adequate nutrients are available to the corn so it begins forming tassels and silks.

    During Growing Season

    • Apply a side-dressing of high-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 20-0-0, about 6 weeks after germination. This will ensure the corn has continuous nutrients as its ears begin to develop.

    Late in Season

    • Add a final side-dressing of high-nitrogen fertilizer approximately 4 weeks after the previous one to replenish any nitrogen that has been washed away by heavy rains. This will carry the corn through the growing season until harvest time.

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