Types of Orange & White Lilies
- Lilies are available in orange and white, among other colors.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Lilies are bulb plants belonging to the lilium genus. States SFHeart.com, the lily was sacred to Minoan civilization during the period around 1580 B.C. As Christianity gained popularity, this flower came to symbolize chastity and virtue. Lilies are prized today for their large blooms. Some varieties offer strong scents while others are practically odor free. Thanks to hybridization, many lily cultivars are available in shades of orange and white. - Deep orange Asiatic lilies brighten any home landscape.asiatic lilies image by Scott Dorrett from Fotolia.com
The Asiatic lily hybrids are easy to grow, according to the North American Lily Society website. They come in various shades of orange and white, as well as in pink, yellow and red, and offer a sweet scent. Asiatic lilies adapt well to most any type of well-draining soil, states the University of Minnesota Extension website, and prefer bright sunlight. Fertilize them in the spring, and break off the flower heads once the flowers have wilted. In cold, snowy, northern climes, mulching these plants in the fall is advisable. - American hybrid lilies feature a balloon shape.lilium burnankii image by Tom Curtis from Fotolia.com
The North American Lily Society reports that American hybrids, native to North America, offer balloon-shaped blooms. Available in not only orange, white and other colors, but in bi-colored and freckled-looking patterns, these plants require light soil and "dappled shade" to thrive, states the site. Even the bulbs of these hybrids are notable, displaying scaled, rather than a smooth outer covering. The Society states that the best region to grow American hybrids is in the western states and the western section of Canada. - The Oriental lily is also known as the Stargazer.stargazer lilies image by Liz Van Steenburgh from Fotolia.com
Oriental hybrids are not so easy to cultivate, according to the North American Lily Society. Also known as Stargazers, they proffer large blooms and a heady fragrance and come in shades of white and subdued orange. These lilies require lots of water, soil that is rich in humus and partial shade. Mulching is also recommended. If you live in a region that serves up hot summers, you might have a tough time successfully cultivating an Oriental hybrid. - The white trumpet lily offers undeniable charm.lily image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.com
The large, waxy, fragrant blooms of the trumpet lily display a trumpet-like shape and grow on tall stalks that may reach 3 feet in height. Each stem may support up to six flowers. Colors available include orange and white as well as yellow, pink and plum. The petals of some varieties feature brown or purple undersides. Because the trumpet lily's blooms are so large, you may have to attach the stalks to a stake for additional support. Plant them in full sun to light shade. Apply mulch if you live in an area that has cold winters. Trumpet lilies are an ideal selection for garden borders as their blooming season is long.