How to Prune Elderberry
Elderberries grow wild through much of the United States and Canada. In the home garden they are prized for their dark purple fruit which is used for wine making, pies, jams, jellies, juices, soup and also as a food coloring. The blossoms of the plant are also often utilized in wine making. Elderber
How to Grow Potatoes in Maine
Maine is one of the top potato producers in the United States. Potato planting was introduced by the Scotch and Irish in the 1750's. Because of the rich soil, warm days and cool nights, Maine is an excellent place to grow and harvest potatoes. Even though Aroostock County is known for its potato
How Much Cold Can My Planted Potatoes Tolerate?
A normal planting depth of 1 to 3 inches protects seed potato pieces from frost damage even during a hard freeze. Potato leaves survive light frosts with little injury, but leaves and stems die back to the ground in colder temperatures. Seed potatoes send up new shoots to replace frost-killed tops.
When to Start Planting a Garden in Alaska
The state of Alaska features many different climates, with most of the state experiencing fewer than 120 days of frost-free, garden-growing weather. Knowing the correct time to plant requires determining the specific number of days the crop needs to mature. You must also know what kind of climate yo
How Can Tomato Plants Be Kept From Growing Tall?
Tomatoes reward the gardener with versatile fruits for salads and sauces. Many tomato varieties suit home gardens and are a fairly low-maintenance choice. Grow tomatoes in beds, container gardens or individual pots, hydroponically or from pots that suspend the plant upside-down. Learn a few techniqu
How to Grow Amorphophallus Rivieri
Amorphophallus rivieri is a dwarf version of the corpse flower, which is native to Asia, and grows tall stalks in the spring months that reach up to 6 feet. When the flowers open into full bloom, they produce a noxious smell that persists for one to two days and gives the plant its common name. Grow
When to Protect Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are shrubs with puffy pastel flower clusters that make good additions to dried arrangements. Although they are relatively frost tolerant, frost can damage new growth and flowers, especially in the northern United States. Also, they cannot withstand direct sun.
Homemade Hydro Systems
Hydroponic growing systems do not need to be complex in design to create good results. When building a hydroponic system, be mindful of your growing goals and make sure that the system you chose to build is capable of supporting that amount. You can easily create your own homemade hydroponic system
Different Types of Garden Planters
Garden planters are used to grow a number of plants, ranging from herbs and spices to flowers and small trees. They provide you with the ability to incorporate plants into areas other than your garden, such as patios and porches. You can find many different styles and colors of garden...
Ninebark Shrubs
Ninebarks (Physocarpus opulifolius) are colorful shrubs with deep mahogany, coppery bronze or golden foliage. Native to North America, they flower in May and June with small, round clusters of tiny pinkish-white blooms along the length of their branches. Valuable landscape shrubs, ninebarks are deci
Natural Flea Protection for the Yard
Your yard is the perfect place to let your children and pets play. If you worry about fleas and their itchy bites ruining the fun, you can protect your yard from them using natural methods.
How to Start Pepper Plants Indoors
Peppers are a hot planting choice of gardeners everywhere. From the popular, sweet bell pepper to the spicy jalapeno, there is a pepper for every taste. Peppers are easy to grow once they are established, but the seeds are a bit difficult to get started and can take up to three months to germinate.
Can Zinnias Be Planted With Lavender Plants?
Zinnia is a member of the Compositae family of plants, while lavender belongs to the Labiatae family. Both plants are deciduous and bloom continuously throughout the summer, which may make them compatible landscape partners. But combining plants of different species in a garden plot isn't always so
Inland Northwest Shrubs
The Inland Northwest region encompasses eastern Washington, northern Idaho and the northern edge of Oregon's Blue Mountains. Most of the region falls within the United States Department of Agriculture's hardiness zone 5, which experiences average annual low temperatures down to -20 degrees Fahrenhei
How to Plant Asparagus From Seed
Getting asparagus started in your garden is a long-term investment. An asparagus bed can produce fresh vegetables for your family for 30 years or longer. Asparagus is one of the first vegetables you will harvest in the spring. After your bed is established, the asparagus will require little work but
The Different Colors of Rose Bushes
From low leafy shrubs to elegant vining climbers, rose bushes are some of the most beloved flowers the world over. These perennial blooms come in an array of hues that range from peachy-pinks to sunshine yellows, and almost everything in between. With master gardeners and horticulturists constantly
Remedies for Garden Pests
Aphids, beetle larvae, slugs and snails can cause considerable damage in your garden if left to their own devices. Chemical pesticides are effective, but they don't discriminate--- they'll kill the beneficial insects in your garden along with the pests. Natural methods keep pests to a minimum withou
Perennials According to Height
Perennials come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes to serve a multitude of gardening needs. Perennials are overall low-maintenance plants; however, individual care depends on the specific type of plant.
How to Plant Radishes in Containers
Besides being a little bit less expensive, people gain a sense of satisfaction from growing their own vegetables, and the vegetables are fresher than from a grocery store. Don’t let lack of land stop you from growing your own vegetables. Many vegetables such as radishes adapt well to container