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How to Test Lower Ball Joints

    • 1). Raise the front of the vehicle with a hydraulic floor jack. Place jack stands under each side of the front frame rails. Lower the hydraulic jack so that the weight of the vehicle is resting on the stands and the front wheels are off the ground. Place wheel chocks on each side of the rear tires.

    • 2). Crawl under the vehicle and locate the lower ball joints, which are mounted in between the suspension lower control arm and the steering spindle. Note: The front wheels attach to the wheel hub, which is part of the steering spindle.

    • 3). Watch the ball joint closely while a helper grasps the wheel on each side and moves it in an in-and-out motion. Have the ball joint replaced if there is any play in the ball joint while the wheel is being moved.

    • 4). Locate the ball joint grease fitting on the underside of the lower control arm. Note that the grease fitting and the bottom the ball joint protrude through a small hole on the underside of the lower control arm. Have the ball joint replaced if it has receded into the hole and is not flush or slightly protruding from the underside of the control arm.

    • 5). Raise the vehicle with a hydraulic jack and remove the jack stands from under the vehicle. Lower the jack so that the front wheels are resting on the ground. Remove the wheel chocks.

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