Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Make Metal Targets for Shooting With Guns

    • 1). Put a sheet of newspaper on a table. Put the computer rack server on the newspaper with the slotted end facing up.

    • 2). Screw one end of a piano hinge into the left side of the computer rack server behind the slot, with a metal screw and the electric screwdriver. Repeat this procedure with another metal can spaced five inches from the first.

    • 3). Repeat this procedure with a metal can at the right side of the computer rack server. Repeat this procedure with another metal can spaced five inches from the metal can on the right.

    • 4). Cut off the tops of four soup cans with a can opener. Empty the contents of the cans into the sink. Wash out the cans with dishwashing liquid. Let the cans dry for a day.

    • 5). Screw the bottom side of a soup can into the free end of a piano hinge with the metal screws and the electric screwdriver.

    • 6). Put the wood block horizontally on the newspaper. Place the computer rack server horizontally on top of the wood block with the slotted side facing towards you.

    • 7). Make a mark at each end of the computer rack server on the wood block with the pencil.

    • 8). Remove the computer rack server. Cut the ends of the wood block at the pencil marks, using the power saw.

    • 9). Apply bonding glue to the top of the wood block from end to end. Place the computer rack server on the wood block so that the ends line up with the wood block. Let the bonding glue set overnight.

    • 10

      Raise the metal cans so that they can be seen above the computer rack server. Shoot at the metal cans. Knock the metal cans down on the target range you have made.

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