Technology computers-hardware

The Sun LTO 4 Ultrium A High Class Media Cartridge

The super capacity and rock-hard durability of Sun Storage-Tek linear tape open Ultrium storage cartridges assist data manager around the world economically meet rapidly growing backup and storage requirements. The Storage-Tek linear tape open media tapes are offering valuable capacity, high speed, and best performance along with high quality preservation. These are ideal and perfectly design media format, which based on magnetic tape technology, use to protect archiving, backup and reinstate, and catastrophe recovery requests. The Linear Tape Open storage cartridges have high data dependability and prolonged existence so that important and valuable information possibly steadily kept over its archived time. The backup and reinstate actions are speed up since more information progressed in fewer time through less tape increase and gets down. The Sun's Storage-Tek service experts assist data managers tackle storage confronts by transporting incorporated services and way outs that optimize and supervise storage presentation in excess of the existence of reliable and important information. The Sun Microsystems world classes serve and client concern gives better self-assurance that your technology speculation confined and that your commerce will be approachable to transform.

The Sun LTO-4 tape cartridge, will introduce for the first time to average tape storage format, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit kept your important data in perfect preservation and secure. The hardware based AES functionality of the next generation format offers a better security throughout data storage and when carrying responsive information through Ultrium 4 tape drives. This reliable functionality prevents data loss during this transaction and keeps the encrypted data perfectly secure position. With use of finest metal particles, this enhances the enduring magnetic tape stability of cartridge for excellent archival submissions. An exclusive and most advanced double coating procedure and a better dispersion creates a greater tough and constant base film, therefore offering very low failure chances even under changing ecological and working conditions. The Sun LTO 4 tape, offer 800GB native and 1600GB of compressed data storage capacity with increase data tracks 896 compare to 704 in LTO3 on same half-inch standard wide and improve 820M long tape. The data transfer speed also enhanced with 120MB/Sec native and 240MB/sec of compressed information.

A constant data reading and writing presentation with high recording density and archiving performance by means of a PEN base film through dimensional constancy. The Sun LTO4, uses an accurate and timing based servo system, this means better-quality tracking exactness to reduce information loss and allowing tape performance on very high levels. A non-contact, improved 8KB cartridge built in memory or LTO-CM, which keep the most important historical usage data as well store very important information about the manufacturer and its compatible drives and other components. The Memory chip is directing high-speed information access to the Ultrium 4 drive during researches of desired data and help drive to reach exact location of wanted information of Sun LTO4 tapes, during load and unload process.

The LTO 003-4391-01 tape, offer a reliable WORM (Write Once Read Many) cartridge, which debuted in LTO 3 generation, facilitates, and non-WORM facilitates Ultrium 4 drives a protected means of preserving data to assemble compliance regulatory applications.

The Sun 033-4391-01 LTO 4 media Cartridge developed with best combination of Sun patented and LTO Ultrium technologies and offering high quality performance.

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