Health & Medical Parenting

Potty Training Readiness - When is it Too Soon to Start Potty Training?

Let's face it, diaper duty stinks! Parents with small children still in diapers, know exactly what I'm talking about.
When your baby is small, changing a diaper isn't so tough.
By the time your child hits age one or two, diaper duty becomes the worlds crappiest job! This is when most parents begin to look for potty training readiness signs.
Here's some things you can keep an eye out for that may let you know that your child is ready for the potty: * When you change a diaper first thing in the morning, or right after a long nap..
pay attention to the heavy-ness.
The lighter the diaper the better.
This means that your child is beginning the stages of bladder control.
This is the same for bowel movements, too.
* Focus on your child's vocabulary: Is he or she fully capable of following instructions? For instance when you say let's find your shoes, does your child begin searching for their shoes? If so this is a good time to introduce them to the potty chair.
At this stage, you just want to teach them about the potty.
* Is your child able to help when getting dressed, and undressed? Can he or she pull their pants, and up and down? If you answered yes, you are much closer to potty training readiness! * Does your child show signs of imitating behavior? If he or she is mocking things that others do, your child may be able to learn from watching mommy or daddy go to the potty.
* Another indicator that your child might be ready for training, is when you notice your child is expressing the desire to do things on his or her own.
These are just a few signs that a parent can watch for in order to help identify potty training readiness.
Age really isn't as important as readiness when it comes to toilet training.
Starting to train before your child is ready may lead to un-necessary aggravation on your part, and more accidents on theirs.
I have three children, and all of them showed potty training readiness at different ages, but the signs were the same.
Watching for signs that your child is ready, may make toilet training a much easier process for everyone involved.

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