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How to Recharge Air Conditioning with Freon in a Saturn Ion

    Prepare the System

    • 1). Check your air conditioning lines for damage. Most auto parts stores have leak detection kits. Some of these will seal small cracks or punctures. If you see any other visible damage, repair or replace the problem before you try to recharge the air conditioning system with refrigerant.

    • 2). Find the Low Pressure Side port of your air conditioning system. You can find this under the hood. In most Ion cars, it is located close to the firewall on the driver's side of the vehicle. It has a black cap marked L or LOW. Remove this cap and set it aside.

    • 3). Turn on the Ion and set the air conditioner to the coldest setting. You also need to have it blowing as hard as possible. This allows you to get a valid pressure reading.

    • 4). Use the pressure gauge included in your recharge kit to check the pressure. You will do this on the Low Pressure Side. Follow the instructions included in the kit as the instructions vary for different kits. If the pressure is in the acceptable range, take your Ion to a professional for service.

    Recharge the System

    • 1). Attach the refill hose to the connector on the Low Pressure Side of the air conditioning system. The Low Pressure Side connector is smaller than the High Pressure Side connector. Because the connectors are different sizes, the refill kit hose should fit only on the Low Pressure Side port. Additionally, the High Pressure Side connector will usually have a red cap or be marked with an H or the word High.

    • 2). Turn the valve on the refill hose slowly to allow the refrigerant to enter the air conditioning system. Pay attention to the way you hold the can. Most kits will have you hold the can upright when you recharge the air conditioning system.

    • 3). Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until the pressure is in the acceptable range. You may need to use more than one can of R134 refrigerant to completely recharge the air conditioning.

    • 4). Close the valve on the refill hose and remove the hose from the connector when you have finished recharging the air conditioning system. Make sure that you put the cap back on the port.

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