Technology computers-hardware

Computer Desk Assembly Instructions


    • Make sure that you have all the parts and tools you need before you assemble the computer desk. Often manufactured desks come with packages of nuts, bolts, screws, pegs or other parts. Sometimes these packages don't always include the right number of parts due to manufacturing errors. Depending on your model, the tools you should have at minimum include a flat head screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, an Allen wrench and an adjustable wrench. If you have them, power tools are handy, but manual tools will do.


    • No matter what model desk you have or are building on your own, start with the primary stabilizing features. Generally this means first attaching the sides to the back of the desk, or if your desk is open backed, to the desk top. For easy access to securing points, have a buddy hold up one of the panels for you. Once you have at least one side in place, you can do the others by resting the first two on the floor or leaning them against a wall.


    • Some desks have attachments, such as wheels or extra shelving, that rests on the back of the desk top. Assemble these last so that you are able to see where they connect to the main part of the desk more easily. Double check to see that the parts of the attachment are secure before you connect the attachment to the desk, because it may be difficult to adjust the attachment without taking it off again. Put structures, such as wheels and the keyboard tray on last, unless the manufacturing instructions say otherwise due to the design of the desk.


    • Assemble the desk in the room in which you plan to use it, even if there isn't a lot of space in which to move around. An assembled desk without wheels can be very heavy to move, and even one on wheels may be of dimensions that won't fit through a doorway. Assemble it as close to the location of use as possible, taking into consideration nearness to electrical outlets, heating vents, windows and lighting fixtures. Ideally, when you are done, all you'll need to do is shift the desk a foot or two into place, and your location will be one that gives adequate power, illumination and humidity control for computer use.

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