Auto repairs and servicing assists off – Fixing Is Not Always an Option
A car may be damaged due to a variety of reasons such as road accidents or other mishaps or wear and tear of time. However, whatever be the reason for its damage, the immediate step for the car owner is to take it to an auto servicing center. But sometimes, repairing a damaged car results into futile effort. Repairing is justified as long as the cost of fixing is much lower than that of replacement. In that case, I suggest the car owner to sell it and get a new one. There is hardly any use of going for Auto Repairs and Servicing Assists off as it will be just a waste of time and money.
A car is declared dead when repairing fails to restore its health. Destruction is so severe that repairing it is not a viable option. It is not that damage can't be fixed but the cost of doing so will render this option totally impractical. Truly speaking, you will find it hard to get the prospective buyers as this will be a financially unwise decision for them to buy a damaged car. You may have to be pleased with metal salvage value. With it, comes another important issue €" Unregistered Vehicle Checks (blue slip).
The car owners take interest in damaged car repairs for vastly different reasons. All of them are not in favor of expensive repairing works especially when it will bring them no good. However, some will definitely go for Auto Repairs and Servicing Assists off due to emotional attachment with their cars. They hardly get over the memories of old good days when their pride of possession was at peak of the vigor. They think whether the substitute (the new car) will serve them better or not. Another party which is concerned about car repairing is the auto body shop. They are doing business and do not mind working on wrecked cars even it takes them for days.
The insurance company appraisers play an active role in decision making. Each insurance provider has a separate set of criteria to appraise the total loss as well actual cash value of car, known as ACV. There is no standard way to determine ACV. Computer software is also available to calculate the car cash value and nowadays is extensively used by the insurance companies. Other related expenses such as rental of replacement vehicles, salvage costs etc. are summed up and included into the total repairing cost. If the repair cost plus incidental expenses are equal to or more than exact cash value of your car, it will be declared a total loss by the insurance company. At this stage, it will be the most unwise of you to opt for Auto Repairs and Servicing Assists off.
Now, the readers may feel curious to know what the actual car cash value is. Well, it calculate the previous damage of the vehicle. Most of the time, the car owners disagree to ACV or repair cost volume. If you feel the same, then it is better to have a car repairing estimate from a trustworthy auto repairs service. Also make it sure to look into this matter on your own to know the car cash value.
A car is declared dead when repairing fails to restore its health. Destruction is so severe that repairing it is not a viable option. It is not that damage can't be fixed but the cost of doing so will render this option totally impractical. Truly speaking, you will find it hard to get the prospective buyers as this will be a financially unwise decision for them to buy a damaged car. You may have to be pleased with metal salvage value. With it, comes another important issue €" Unregistered Vehicle Checks (blue slip).
The car owners take interest in damaged car repairs for vastly different reasons. All of them are not in favor of expensive repairing works especially when it will bring them no good. However, some will definitely go for Auto Repairs and Servicing Assists off due to emotional attachment with their cars. They hardly get over the memories of old good days when their pride of possession was at peak of the vigor. They think whether the substitute (the new car) will serve them better or not. Another party which is concerned about car repairing is the auto body shop. They are doing business and do not mind working on wrecked cars even it takes them for days.
The insurance company appraisers play an active role in decision making. Each insurance provider has a separate set of criteria to appraise the total loss as well actual cash value of car, known as ACV. There is no standard way to determine ACV. Computer software is also available to calculate the car cash value and nowadays is extensively used by the insurance companies. Other related expenses such as rental of replacement vehicles, salvage costs etc. are summed up and included into the total repairing cost. If the repair cost plus incidental expenses are equal to or more than exact cash value of your car, it will be declared a total loss by the insurance company. At this stage, it will be the most unwise of you to opt for Auto Repairs and Servicing Assists off.
Now, the readers may feel curious to know what the actual car cash value is. Well, it calculate the previous damage of the vehicle. Most of the time, the car owners disagree to ACV or repair cost volume. If you feel the same, then it is better to have a car repairing estimate from a trustworthy auto repairs service. Also make it sure to look into this matter on your own to know the car cash value.