DIY: Super 8MM Film to AVI
- 1). Set your projector in front of a projection screen, a white wall or a white piece of paper taped to a wall. Thread your Super 8 film into your projector and turn the projector on. Play the film to ensure that it is threaded properly and that the image projects correctly on the screen or wall.
- 2). Set your digital camcorder on a tripod or on the table next to the projector. With the projector playing, focus the camcorder in on the projected image until only the image on the screen is captured in the camera viewfinder. If your tape has sound, run an audio cable (usually a 1/8-inch connection) from the projector's audio out jack to your camcorder's audio in jack.
- 3). Turn off the lights in the room where you'll be recording the video; the darker the room you're in, the better your video capture will turn out. Press record on your camcorder and start playing your Super 8 reel in your projector. Let the tape play to completion, then press stop on the camcorder (be sure to rewind the tape if you're using a tape-based digital camcorder).
- 4). Load your video capture software on your computer. Set the software to video capture mode and connect your camcorder's output to your computer's input port using audio/visual cables. Ensure that your camcorder is set as your input device in your video capture software.
- 5). Set your video capture software's save format as AVI. Click on the record or capture button in your software and press "play" on your camcorder. Play the video all the way through and then stop recording in your software. Your Super 8 video is now saved as an AVI on your computer.