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How to Remove the Alternator From a 2003 Tundra

    • 1). Pop the hood. Unbolt the negative connection to the battery with a wrench. Then unbolt the positive connection on the battery.

    • 2). Locate the alternator on the lower driver's side of the engine. Unbolt the electrical connections on the top of the alternator both by hand and using a 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.

    • 3). Remove the lock nut on the alternator adjusting bolt, located at the bottom of the alternator, using an open-end wrench. Then loosen the adjusting bolt using a 3/8-inch ratchet and socket until the belt on the alternator goes slack.

    • 4). Pull the alternator belt off of the alternator pulley. Unbolt the alternator from the engine using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket and an open-end wrench. Pull the alternator up and out of the engine compartment.

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