Technology computers-hardware

How to Set Up Canon Laser Class 3175 As a Network Printer

    • 1). Install the software for the Canon Laser Class 3175 on the computer that it will be connected to.

    • 2). Click "Start" or the Windows button in the lower-left corner of the screen.

    • 3). Select "Printers and Faxes" (Windows XP) or "Devices and Printers" (Windows 7). If you are using Windows Vista, choose "Control Panel" then "Printers".

    • 4). Right click on the icon for the Canon Laser Class 3175, then select "Properties" (Windows XP) or "Printer Properties" (Vista or Windows 7).

    • 5). Choose the "Sharing" tab, then check the box that says "Share this printer." If you had previously elected not to share your printers, you will have to click the "Change Sharing Options" button first.

    • 6). Enter a name for your printer that will be easily identifiable to other users who wish to print to it, and click "Apply," then "OK."

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