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Essential Care And Maintenance Tasks For Your Chainsaw

As anyone who regularly works with the equipment will know, a chainsaw is a highly powerful yet highly dangerous machine that could cause some serious damage if not used properly. One of the main factors in ensuring that the machine is used properly is making sure that regular maintenance tasks are completed, as a well cared for chainsaw is a safe one. Sacrificing a few minutes of your time every so often is a small price to pay for ensuring that you are safe whilst working and that your machine lasts you a number of years.

Every time you use the chainsaw
There are a number of tasks that should be completed before, during or after every use of the chainsaw to ensure optimum safety and operation:
  • Check the chain before and after use, as it is known to EUR~stretch outEUR(TM) in only a short time after being replaced (which could cause the chain to come away completely from the guide bar if you're not careful). Tighten the chain as needed.
After refueling
Whilst these tasks do not have to be completed when you fill up your chainsaw's tank, they do need to be completed regularly and this is a great way to remind you to perform them:
  • Check the oil levels, as the moving parts of your chainsaw need to be kept well lubricated and clean for getting through tree trunks and branches with ease.

  • Before adding the new fuel, check that the fuel filter is clean and unclogged (if it isnEUR(TM)t, replace it). Check the fuel lines for dried fuel and, if it is present, replace them.
After every 10 hours of use
By judging how long you use your chainsaw for each time, you will get a pretty good idea of when you have been using it for around 10 years, allowing you to complete these maintenance tasks:
  • Change the air filtration system, as this will help the machine to use less fuel and will cause it to run much cooler (lessening the chances of overheating and other problems).

  • Give the chainsaw a thorough clean to ensure that no debris has lodged itself in the chain or any other small openings; if this were to occur, it could greatly damage the performance of your machine.
At the end of the day, ensuring that your chainsaw is treated with respect and in accordance with its instructions is the best care that you can offer the machine for ensuring a long and safe operating life. If you ever suspect even the slightest problem with your chainsaw, stop using it; if you cannot find the source of the issue yourself, take it to a professional. There is no point risking your safety or that of the people around you.

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