Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Replace a Side Mirror on a 1993 Toyota Pickup

    • 1). Roll down the window on the door with the mirror you're replacing. Look for a screw on the underside of the manual adjustment knob for the mirror. Remove the screw using the Phillips head screwdriver. If you have power mirrors, skip to the next step.

    • 2). Remove the black trim panel on the inside of the door opposite the mirror using the interior panel removal tool. Unplug any wiring if you have power windows. Hold the mirror in one hand while unbolting it from the door by using the ratchet with the other. Remove the mirror from the door.

    • 3). Hold the replacement mirror on the door and bolt it into place using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket. Plug in the wiring for the power mirror if needed. Push the plastic panel onto the inside of the door with your hands, then reinstall the manual adjustment knob with the Phillips head screwdriver.

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