Technology computers-hardware

How to Disable the EconoMode on an HP LaserJet 1200

Things You'll Need


Disabling EconoMode in PC computers:


Double-click on your printer icon at the bottom right corner of your desktop or by accessing the "Printer" icon in your computer's control panel.

Click on "Printer" at the top left corner of the printer window and click "Properties" from the drop-down menu.

Click on the button that reads "Printing Preferences," then click on the "Finishing" tab.

Locate the section of the window that has the print quality settings. Uncheck the box next to where it says "EconoMode" to disable the EconoMode setting. Click the "Apply" tab followed by the "OK" button to close the printer settings window.

Disabling EconoMode on Mac computers:


Select "Chooser" from the Apple menu.

Click on the "Laser Writer" followed by the "HP LaserJet 1200 series" icons. Click on "Setup" to access the printer driver settings.

Select "Imaging Options" from the print quality menu to change the EconoMode setting. Uncheck "EconoMode " to disable the setting.

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