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How to Mount a Rear Spoiler on a 1971 Mustang

    • 1). Place a piece of 2-inch wide automotive painter's tape across the width of the trunk lid in the approximate location that you want to mount the rear spoiler. Green low-tack automotive tape will not damage older paint finishes.

    • 2). Locate the mounting point of the rear spoiler. On the left side of the trunk lid, measure from the rear edge of the trunk to the location on the tape where you want the center of the spoiler to be located. Mark the location with a grease pencil. Measure the same distance from the right side of the trunk lid and mark with a pencil. Place a straightedge so it connects the two marks and draw a straight line to connect the two.

    • 3). Measure from the left side of the trunk lid to the right side of the trunk lid and mark the center point.

    • 4). Measure the distance between the two screw holes located on the bottom of the rear spoiler and then divide the number in half.

    • 5). Locate the mounting holes in the trunk lid. Using the divided number, measure from the center point of the trunk and mark the tape where the hole should be located to the right and then to the left of the center point. As a reminder, the measurement is half of the distance between the mounting holes of the spoiler. Double-check your measurements before drilling the holes.

    • 6). Drill mounting holes in the trunk lid using an electric drill. The size of the drill bit depends on the bolts supplied with the rear spoiler.

    • 7). Remove the tape from the hood and place a bead of RTV silicone around each mounting hole. The RTV silicone prevents water from getting into the trunk via the holes. Allow 20 minutes for the RTV silicone to firm.

    • 8). Open the trunk and place the rear spoiler on the trunk lid. A second person holding the spoiler is helpful while you thread the bolts through the bottom of the trunk lid into the spoiler. Tighten the bolts into place with a wrench.

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