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How to Remove Trailing Arm Bushings

    • 1). Park your car on solid, flat ground and raise the back end with a car jack enough to work under it. Both the right and the left side of the rear of the car need to be securely supported with sturdy jack stands.

    • 2). Remove the rear tires and wheels with a lug nut remover. Disconnect the brake line sensor running to the trailing arms by pulling it off carefully.

    • 3). Take out the bolts holding the trailing arms into the car using a ratchet and socket. Carefully set the trailing arm on a table or work surface.

    • 4). Stand directly behind the trailing arm with it arranged vertically in front of you. The bushing should be perpendicular to you within the arm.

    • 5). Pound on the inside of the arm to force the bushing out using a steel mallet. You should be forcing the bushing to the side of the arm that is exposed when the arm is installed in the car.

    • 6). Remove both bushings in the same way and proceed to handle the trailing arms however you need.

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