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How to Install a Bedliner in a Ford Ranger

    • 1). Tape off the area that you do not want painted, using painters tape.

    • 2). Sand the bed area with 50-grit sandpaper. The purpose is to roughen the surface of the paint. You do not need to strip off all the paint.

    • 3). Clean the area with soap and water. Scrub the surface with rags to break loose all the dirt and grease. Rinse thoroughly. Allow the surface to fully dry before continuing.

    • 4). Pour the bed liner paint into the bed directly. Use a roll-on applicator to spread the paint evenly. Pour large puddles near the walls of the bed, and use the puddles to dip the applicator before painting the walls. Apply a thick coat and allow to fully dry, based on drying times listed on the paint container.

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