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How do I Change Out a Fuel Pump on an E430?

    • 1). Pull your E430 up on car ramps and shift the transmission into park. Be sure to lock your parking brake as well to help prevent the chance of sliding or rolling.

    • 2). Open the hood and remove the negative terminal from the vehicle's auto battery using a crescent wrench.

    • 3). Climb under the vehicle and locate the fuel pump along the fuel line. This part is cylindrical, and has an electrical connection coming off it.

    • 4). Close the valve behind the pump on the line by twisting it clockwise until it is tight. This stops the flow of fuel between the tank and the pump.

    • 5). Remove the electrical connection on the pump using a 12 mm socket wrench. Then, loosen the bolt ends on both sides of the pump with a crescent wrench.

    • 6). Gently slide the pump out of its housing assembly and slide a replacement pump into place.

    • 7). Re-tighten the bolt ends on both sides of the pump and replace the electrical connection on the pump.

    • 8). Re-open the fuel valve behind the pump and climb out from underneath the vehicle.

    • 9). Replace the negative terminal on the battery.

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