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How to Recharge a Chrysler Concorde Air Conditioning Compressor

    • 1). Insert the can of freon into the valve adapter plug, at the bottom of the valve. Turn it clockwise until the needle inside the plug punctures the can and pressurizes the valve.

    • 2). Attach the nozzle end of the valve to the low pressure side of the freon lines, on the left side of the engine near the evaporator. The nozzle tip will only fit the nipple that it attaches to. Push the nozzle tip against the nipple while simultaneously pulling the ring around the nozzle tip. Release the ring and it will lock onto the line nipple.

    • 3). Start the Concorde and turn on the air conditioning system full blast. The compressor will kick on, and the system will begin to operate.

    • 4). Pull the trigger on the valve to release the freon into the air conditioning system and compressor. The can will empty in about three minutes. Remove the nozzle tip by pulling the ring off of the nipple. Turn the empty can of freon counterclockwise and replace it with a can of lubricant. Reattach it to the nipple and discharge the can of lubricant oil into the system until it is emptied.

    • 5). Repeat step 4 until the system does not take in any more freon. Store the unused portion of freon still attached to the valve adapter.

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