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Instructions for Removing the Seat From the GL1800 Goldwing

    • 1). Remove the key from the ignition of your GL1800 Goldwing to prevent an accidental start-up while working on the motorcycle.

    • 2). Pull the backrest straight up and out. Place it to the side.

    • 3). Locate the three Allen bolts on the right side of the seat.

    • 4). Unscrew the three bolts on the right side with the Allen wrench. This will free the seat from the motorcycle frame.

    • 5). Lift the seat up slightly to access the wiring under the seat, if applicable. Disconnect the wire by squeezing the quick-release disconnect by hand. Separate the wiring connectors.

    • 6). Lift the seat off the motorcycle frame. Repeat the steps to install the seat back onto the frame.

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