Technology computers-hardware

Review: Tuff Luv Multi-View Stasis Natural Hemp iPad 2 Case Rating

For the most part, getting a case for the iPad means picking from a sea of products made from leather or some artificial material. But what if you’re the kind of person who not only likes to hug trees but plants passionate kisses on them?

If you are, that means you’re right smack in the crosshairs of the demographic being targeted by the — take a deep breathe — Tuff Luv Multi-View Stasis Natural Hemp iPad 2 Case.

Still with me? Then read on for my take on Tuff Luv’s hemp case for Apple’s tablet.


Environmentally friendly: According to Tuff Luv, this case is made 100 percent from natural materials and is guaranteed animal-free. That means this thing is just like Bart Simpson: It doesn’t have a cow, man. And yes, I won’t quit my day job.

Adjustable angles: When set in landscape mode, the Tuff Luv hemp case can be adjusted in five different angles to match your viewing preferences. The adjustment is done via a simple click in button a la jeans or a shirt. It also comes with a card holder and side flap inside.

Sleep mode compatible: Like Apple’s own magnetic cover, closing the cover on the Tuff Luv case automatically triggers sleep mode for an iPad 2. That’s basically what the “Stasis” feature is all about.

Drop protection: Unlike Apple’s magnetic cover, however, the Tuff Luv hemp case offers more protection from accidental drops. That’s nice to know given how much of a financial investment an iPad is.

Unique look: Unlike the sea of mostly black leather (or fake leather) that seems to dominate the iPad case aisle in your typical brick-and-mortar store, this one has a natural fabric-like look and feel to it. Good news for folks who want to eschew the ole’ businessman look and project a more hip (or is that hippie?) image.


Velcro latch location: The velcro latch that keeps the iPad 2 in place feels a bit flimsy. It’s also located in a place where the iPad 2 can easily fall off if the latch fails or the owner forgets to velcro the latch shut. It would’ve been better if they put the insertion point and latching system on the inner or opposite side of the iPad 2 holder so it doesn’t slip out as easily if the latch releases accidentally.

No portrait stand: Unless I’m just being an idiot, I couldn’t find a way to make the case stand in portrait mode securely. I guess you can just open it like a book and make it stand that way. But that doesn’t really count as a portrait mode stand.

Price: At $60 to $80, it’s a bit pricey for an iPad case. You can find it cheaper online, however.


The — take a deep breathe again — Tuff Luv Multi-View Stasis Natural Hemp iPad Case is a product that features an environmentally friendly design that also looks good to boot. It doesn’t have that many cons but that latch issue is admittedly a bit of a concern (otherwise, I would have rated it higher). So is price but environmentally-conscious people typically don’t mind paying a premium to support their cause. If such cons are not a big deal for you, then the Tuff Luv is definitely worth a look.

Final rating: 3.5 stars

Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.

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