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Car Maintenance: How to Keep Your Car in Good Shape

Are you looking for tips on how to care for your car? Car maintenance is important, especially for people who spend a lot of their time on the road. After all, the condition of your vehicle affects not only your safety, but the safety of everyone else on the road as well.

One of the first things I learned after I got my license was how to take care of my car. My parents were always worried about my safety out on the road, so I had to calm their fears by showing them that I knew how to take care of myself.

Want to know how you can keep your car in good shape? Here are some tips that will not only keep you safe and sound - but save you from expensive vehicle repairs too.

    1. Smog Check
    Get a smog check at least once a year. Do it whether or not it is required in your state. Passing a smog test means that your car is in good working order, so don't miss it.

    2. Oil Change
    If you failed your smog check and don't know why, having dirty oil might be the reason. Have your oil changes at least twice a year. It not only keeps you from emitting smoke, but also keeps your engine from rusting.

    3. Engine Check
    Finally, get your engine checked regularly. This includes water, batteries, the whole enchilada. This is of crucial importance, especially if you like going on long drives.

These three tips will get you covered when it comes to car maintenance and road safety. But just a friendly reminder: all the car maintenance in the world won't keep you safe if you drive recklessly. So, be a responsible driver!

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