Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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What Good Are Wings If You Can't Feel the Wind on Your Face?

What Good Are Wings If You Can't Feel the Wind on Your Face?

There is a real problem in this oft-plastic world of ours. There are too many subscribers to the 'wings theory,' who also coincidentally never or only rarely experience the wind on their faces.
Self Hypnosis Instruction

Self Hypnosis Instruction

Self Hypnosis Instruction Self-hypnosis instructions should be tailored to the individual. When doing self-hypnosis make sure that you have a clear goal in mind. It can be to stop smoking or to be happier. You ...
Tips to Maintain a Positive Attitude - 3 Simple Tips That Will Change Your Life

Tips to Maintain a Positive Attitude - 3 Simple Tips That Will Change Your Life

It's quite easy to adopt a positive mental attitude for a while, but it's not easy to keep that attitude. These tips to maintain a positive attitude will show you how to stay positive no matter what.
Coaching For Burnout, Balance and Success (Part 1 of 2)

Coaching For Burnout, Balance and Success (Part 1 of 2)

Need a Life? Get a Coach. Coaching is one solution to the problem of helpingoverwhelmed and overstressed business people
Are People Afraid of Feelings?

Are People Afraid of Feelings?

This article questions whether we are afraid of feelings.It also discusses that in order for us to ever "evolve" and become a kinder and gentler people, we really need to start acknowledging our feelings and discussing them and getting comfortable with them.
5 Ways to Stop "Passion" From Scaring the Bejeezus Outta Ya

5 Ways to Stop "Passion" From Scaring the Bejeezus Outta Ya

Find what you Big Like. Take that chance. Live for the now, no strings attached. Let yourself fall so hard you get a bruise. But don't let "passion" scare you, because it's real, & it's spectacular.
Control Your Thoughts, Don't Let Your Thoughts Control You

Control Your Thoughts, Don't Let Your Thoughts Control You

The Seven Deadly Sins or what Christians call the Cardinal Sins are said to classify the wrongdoings humanity creates in this world. These sins make the world mundane. They are deadly and portrayed to be the eternal death. But as many people put it, there are no perfect humans who do not commit mist
Time Management For Teachers - The Secret That Can Save You Tons of Time and Stress

Time Management For Teachers - The Secret That Can Save You Tons of Time and Stress

Overwhelmed by all your teaching priorities and no time for your personal life? Discover the one time management secret that can help you manage your time and reduce stress starting right now.
Could Your Pms Be An Expression Of Your Unconscious Thoughts And Feelings?

Could Your Pms Be An Expression Of Your Unconscious Thoughts And Feelings?

We are of a modern society that has put the accent of easy feelings, easy steps to feel better, but the gist of all this is that too many times these actions leave humans out of charge and out of control about her own miseries. I propose a new approach that helped hundred of women and the world has
Declutter Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

Declutter Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

When you declutter your life, it is like taking a big breath of fresh air. Getting to that point, however, can be quite a task if your life is a cluttered mess. Most people claim ...
A Setback is a Setup For a Comeback

A Setback is a Setup For a Comeback

Overcoming obstacles in life goes with the territory and if you are able to move yourself from paralysis to action, you will achieve success in life. Discover how to become an over-comer in life.
In Your Present Sphere Of Leadership Do You Need Some Storm To Be Calmed, Soothed, And Resolved?

In Your Present Sphere Of Leadership Do You Need Some Storm To Be Calmed, Soothed, And Resolved?

There are times and circumstances when leadership of the highest quality and with authoritative direction is required and almost demanded by those around us. No matter where you lead and irrespective of what area of life you exercise your sphere of leadership specific clarity will be expected and pa
Handling a Crisis: When Everything Seems to Go Wrong

Handling a Crisis: When Everything Seems to Go Wrong

You've had those times in your life when it appears that a 3-ton boulder landed in your life and has seemingly destroyed it, haven't you? You're juggling a number of different balls in the air, one labeled "family," another "work," still another "relationships
Looking Good - Hair and Nails Check Lists

Looking Good - Hair and Nails Check Lists

Your hair should be your crowning glory, but a poor diet, smoking, medication and too many late nights all show their effect. So how can you keep your hair in peak condition? A good diet is fundamental, followed by a good haircut to show your face to the best advantage. A good acid based shampoo is
Accentuating Appreciation

Accentuating Appreciation

What's the single most important activity you can quickly do to show gratitude for gifts, catapult your name to the top of invitations, and leave the host smiling and thinking, "I really want you at my next party?"
Five Tips to Streamline Your Day!

Five Tips to Streamline Your Day!

I'm constantly bombarded with things to get done and have five tips that really help me out and I'd thought I'd share them.Always carry a notepad and pencil where ever you go.
Key Skills Needed to Be an Effective Coach

Key Skills Needed to Be an Effective Coach

Coaching is built around a well defined process and requires the coach to be on a journey of mastery in a several key skill areas. This article explores some of the key skills required for effective coaching and challenges all coaches to consider their own learning journey.
Did Ancient Astronauts From Alien Worlds Bring Life To Earth?

Did Ancient Astronauts From Alien Worlds Bring Life To Earth?

In this article I try to explain some of the theories about how life began on earth. I explain how life could not have been brought to earth by anyone, since life is a result of consciousness already in existence. Consciousness always precludes matter and humans, as all living species are physical m
Christian Leadership: Five Steps to Success

Christian Leadership: Five Steps to Success

So you've been asked by your church to take on a leadership role? You feel God's tugging but your knees are shaking. Don't worry! Here are five very practical and encouraging steps that help help you be the leader God intends.
You Can Be a Success Story

You Can Be a Success Story

You can change your circumstances. You can move from where you are to a higher ground. It all depends on you. You can get out of troubles unscathed and people will wonder how you did it.What is the dream that has been burning in your heart? Perhaps you have tried everything to realise it but it has