Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Success: It"s All About Positioning

Like it or not, one of the keys to success, in any endeavor, involves positioning.
Whether we're selling a product, a service or ourselves, we have to gain a position in the marketplace that catches the eye of the prospective customer.
Selling our products or our services will almost inevitably start by selling ourselves.
So how do we go about doing that? How do we position ourselves so folks want to do business with us? Here a few practical ways to position yourself in a positive way: Positioning starts with a positive self-image.
The way you see yourself will determine the way others see you.
I'm not talking about looking in the mirror and chanting goofy affirmations.
I'm talking about looking in the mirror and seeing a charming and competent human being who has the talent, skills and ability to genuinely help other people.
A Positive Attitude Belief manifests itself in behavior.
How you treat others, prospects or customers, shows whether or not you really value them.
And, by the way, this attitude will show up in the little things you do - not in the big game tickets you offer.
A positive attitude shows how you feel about others and will almost always be returned in kind.
A Positive Appearance First impressions last a long time.
The way you look will be the most important factor in creating a positive first impression.
Don't skimp on investing in the clothes and accessories that will help you shape that first impression.
Ladies, it's about makeup and jewelry.
Men, if you're going business casual, it's about creases and well-shined shoes.
Professional Behavior What you do speaks so loudly I can't hear what you say.
Our prospects and our customers are watching - all the time.
How you behave in a coffee shop when the service is less than stellar may mean the difference between a sale and an email saying: "We've decided to go in another direction.
" Well-chosen Words I'm not talking about being politically correct.
I'm talking about using words and phrases that position you as a true professional.
Words have meaning.
The right words used at the appropriate time will always make a positive impression and will always set you apart from the crowd.
An ill-timed or poorly chosen comment can kill the deal very quickly.
Focus on "Them" What our clients and customers really want to know is "what's in this for me?" The customer entering a Home Depot isn't looking for a quarter-inch drill bit.
What he or she wants is a quarter-inch hole - in something.
We position ourselves for success when we make sure our focus is on the customer's needs - not our own.
Zig Zigler always reminded his audiences: "You can have anything in life you want, if you just help other people get what they want.
" Positioning ourselves for success isn't difficult.
It will just mean doing a few simple things on a consistent basis.
We'll need to have a positive self-image and positive attitude.
We'll want to make a positive first impression by being well groomed and well dressed.
We'll need to pay close attention to the words we use and how we use those words, and we need to make sure our focus is on meeting our customers' needs - not just making a sale.

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