Could Your Pms Be An Expression Of Your Unconscious Thoughts And Feelings?
Copyright 2006 Pauline Houle
"No way!" I hear you say. PMS is a curse and martyrizing moment that some women are plagued with and only medicine and pills can help. Right? Well... being the no-BS therapist and researcher that I am, I have news for every one of you! Hard to believe? At first, yes.
As a good friend of mine says: "Truth shall set you free but at first it is going to piss you off!" So why do 40% of the women in my survey have mild to average discomforts almost every month while another 21% have severe debilitating symptoms that PMS grabs under its label. And medicine fills in that label with over 150 different symptoms, from irritability to hypersensitivity to murdering under the influence of PMS! The majority end up in the physician's office. Some feel a relief but are nevertheless hooked to keep on taking a pill of some sort if they want to keep the beast at bay.
We are of a modern society that has put the accent of easy feelings, easy steps to feel better, but the gist of all this is that too many times these actions leave the person out of charge and out of control about her own miseries. Take a pill, get away on this cruise and you will feel better. The credit companies are booming from all of us trying to heal our lives and grasp spontaneous moments of joy. But do we get to the main cause of our pains or do we just learn to put a band-aid on the wound and forget about it until it becomes an abscess of some kind?
I am of the belief that until we learn to take charge and full responsibility for what happens to us, we are beside our path of true health at all levels: body, mind and soul. I urge you all to look deeper for your intimate answers. For what good is suffering unless it helps you stop the pain? I propose an approach that leaves you totally free of any pills but rather takes you along the exploration in order for You To Find Out what is hiding as a message behind your own PMS. Welcome to you! Maybe for the first time.
"No way!" I hear you say. PMS is a curse and martyrizing moment that some women are plagued with and only medicine and pills can help. Right? Well... being the no-BS therapist and researcher that I am, I have news for every one of you! Hard to believe? At first, yes.
As a good friend of mine says: "Truth shall set you free but at first it is going to piss you off!" So why do 40% of the women in my survey have mild to average discomforts almost every month while another 21% have severe debilitating symptoms that PMS grabs under its label. And medicine fills in that label with over 150 different symptoms, from irritability to hypersensitivity to murdering under the influence of PMS! The majority end up in the physician's office. Some feel a relief but are nevertheless hooked to keep on taking a pill of some sort if they want to keep the beast at bay.
We are of a modern society that has put the accent of easy feelings, easy steps to feel better, but the gist of all this is that too many times these actions leave the person out of charge and out of control about her own miseries. Take a pill, get away on this cruise and you will feel better. The credit companies are booming from all of us trying to heal our lives and grasp spontaneous moments of joy. But do we get to the main cause of our pains or do we just learn to put a band-aid on the wound and forget about it until it becomes an abscess of some kind?
I am of the belief that until we learn to take charge and full responsibility for what happens to us, we are beside our path of true health at all levels: body, mind and soul. I urge you all to look deeper for your intimate answers. For what good is suffering unless it helps you stop the pain? I propose an approach that leaves you totally free of any pills but rather takes you along the exploration in order for You To Find Out what is hiding as a message behind your own PMS. Welcome to you! Maybe for the first time.