Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Filling the Shoes of Success

Are the shoes of success too big to fill? With the increasing of number of millionaires each year in the United States, one would think there are more opportunities of becoming a member of that elite club.
The truth is, to many that number means absolutely nothing and instead more find themselves focusing on the opposite, the number of failures of becoming a millionaire.
Why is it home business owners feel failure is the inevitable? Do you think it has anything to do with confidence? Most successful business people would agree.
Because the person reaching for the sky has never experienced that level of success before, they find themselves saying "This is not for me" or for those who are determined, "There is no stopping me.
" Sadly, while there is an increasing number of people who do succeed in their home business, too many fall into the trap of "This is not for me".
This is all because they lack confidence.
So, where did lack of confidence come into play? Most likely, it all goes back to childhood.
One or many bad experiences caused that person to hold onto that bad feeling.
That then became an experience which one would never want to have again.
From then on, lack of confidence was embedded in that person.
Where would one go to gain this confidence? Once it's agreed that the past is the past and all that can be done is concentrating on what can be done NOW, is when "Taking Action" is the only option.
An investor friend once told me, "Try putting yourself in a position which you recall being uncomfortable with and see how you act it out.
" Initially, the results won't be pleasant, as it wasn't for me.
Well, at least just the first few times.
But, that's ok.
That's the process required to build up confidence.
Some would call this the trial and error method.
By experimenting, your confidence will start to increase so much that you will begin to go and do things you once thought was impossible.
The building of your confidence is alone a huge accomplishment and it will certainly prepare you for what's next.
Now, for the person wanting to fill their shoes of success, this is just the beginning.
But, by and by, it's a great start.
Confidence is the prerequisite to having a successful home business.
The next step for any home business owner is to, once again, "Taking Action!" Taking action is critical in order to move forward.
No matter what particular thing you are going to perform, what's important is that you are.
This is a huge secret home business owners fail to grasp.
Only because being a home business owner is all up to you and the only way you are ever going to make it, is you have to take action.
Begin taking action today by filling your shoes, one shoe at a time.

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