Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Self Hypnosis Instruction

Self Hypnosis Instruction

Self-hypnosis instructions should be tailored to the individual. When doing self-hypnosis make sure that you have a clear goal in mind. It can be to stop smoking or to be happier. You can use self-hypnosis to lose weight or to stop any negative habits you have. The possibilities are endless. You are only limited by your own imagination.

The more you explore the possibilities of self-hypnosis you begin to realize the far reaching effects it can have on your life and those around you. There are also techniques, which you can use to affect the people around you but that is out of the scope of this article. Below is a sample technique on self-hypnosis instruction.

Start by taking 10 deep breaths, (while counting out loud) and relax, forget about all your tensions. Try and use mental props such as there is a bucket at the bottom of your feet, and all your tensions are draining into it. Once you are relaxed, picture yourself at the very top of a staircase, and you are going to take a walk down. There is a landing at the bottom and there are ten steps to the landing, and you should walk down. With each step, you will become more, and more relaxed. Repeat this as many times as you want (no more than 3).

Open your eyes and stare at a blank wall with a small object such as a button taped, glued or nailed to it. Pay close attention to the button, and listen to your words. Stare continuously at the button until your eyes begin to water, tell yourself that as you watch the button you will begin to become more and more relaxed, and your limbs are becoming heavier and heavier. This is an example self hypnosis instruction which will get your body into a relaxed state and ready for hypnotic suggestions.

Hypnosis is easy since it's a state we all enter naturally without knowing it in daily life. The part, which requires great skill, is utilizing the hypnotic state to best, aid us to achieve our desired results. You want to learn hypnosis? Go get some proper tutelage!!

Light states can be achieved easily and with practice (like learning a musical instrument) mastery is achieved.

Everyone has experienced trance states in everyday life. States of trance occur when daydreaming, watching a movie, driving home on autopilot, when falling into sleep and again upon awakening from sleep, practicing meditation or other relaxation techniques.

When in an altered state of trance, you are still fully aware of where you are and what you're doing.

People who say they can't be hypnotized really just aren't letting themselves achieve the state. Anyone with the ability to focus can be hypnotized.

Some people may consciously want to be hypnotized but their subconscious may be resisting.

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