Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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A More Confident You

A More Confident You

Having self-confidence is whole lot different from being bloated with self-praise. Having self-confidence means that a particular person is not easily toppled when faced with difficulties. In fact, when a person is confident, he or she may not even be particularly good at something but still appear
How Can Your Life Become A Work Of Art?

How Can Your Life Become A Work Of Art?

This article unravels why beauty and art are in the eye of the beholder.
Covert Hypnosis - You Can Be Secretly Hypnotized Without Suspecting A Thing!

Covert Hypnosis - You Can Be Secretly Hypnotized Without Suspecting A Thing!

"You can't hypnotize anyone against their will.'You will come across this statement again and again whenever you hear or read about hypnosis. It's absolutely true; it's just that a covert hypnotist NEVER confronts the will of the subject!
Spiritual Vampires

Spiritual Vampires

Have you ever noticed after being around someone that you feel totally emotionally and physically drained? Have you ever wondered what in the world happened? The answer is you were with a Spiritual Vampire.
The #1 Way to Gain Spiritual Strength in Tough Circumstances

The #1 Way to Gain Spiritual Strength in Tough Circumstances

When the storms of life come and beat upon your house, will it stand because it was built on solid rock? Your strength comes from knowing that Jesus has overcome, that He is able to do the impossible and that He has empowered you to do even greater things than He! Being equipped with this knowledge
Affirmations to Unleash Your Subconscious Power

Affirmations to Unleash Your Subconscious Power

Your self talk is powerful. Yet most people never pay the slightest attention to the thousands of mostly negative and discouraging thoughts that go through our heads every day. These three guidelines will help you to use affirmations to quickly change your results.
Three Simple Steps To Having A Great Day!

Three Simple Steps To Having A Great Day!

Did you know that you can make a conscious decision the first thing in the morning to have a great day? Regardless of the challenges and obstacles, you can decide to have a great day. Am I saying that having a good day is a choice? It really is!
Healthy Single Moms Secret #6 Is Rest & Relaxation

Healthy Single Moms Secret #6 Is Rest & Relaxation

Without rest and relaxation, you will deplete your energy. You need to add some rest and relaxation to give yourself the healthy balance to be the best you can be. Read on to find ways to see the importance of getting some R&R and some ideas on how to incorporate that into your already busy, stressf
Do You Need to See More Clearly?

Do You Need to See More Clearly?

Do you feel that you could succeed if you could only remove the obstacles? If so read on......
Holographic Healing Reviewed

Holographic Healing Reviewed

While I do not know how holographic healing works, I equate it to prayer and electricity. It works, but I cannot explain it! I venture to say that we are all connected. This session truly feels as tho
Why Do We Procrastinate? Learn to Stop Procrastination

Why Do We Procrastinate? Learn to Stop Procrastination

How many times have you avoided cleaning your closet reasoning with yourself about other important tasks that you may have to do or convincing yourself how cleaning is not 'significant' enough to be completed at this point in time? Congratulations, for you are procrastinating the task. But
Inspiring Mental Balance and Inner Harmony Through Healing Music in the Pythagorean Modes

Inspiring Mental Balance and Inner Harmony Through Healing Music in the Pythagorean Modes

This is number three in my series of articles on Mental Balance and Inner Harmony through Ancient Musical Modes. The present article will deal with the Choleric Temperament as well as going into the F
Successful Internet Marketing for Coaches - 5 Tips for Beginners

Successful Internet Marketing for Coaches - 5 Tips for Beginners

People say that experience is the best teacher. Often, you'll just learn something after committing costly mistake. But this shouldn't always be the case especially when you're doing internet marketing.
Living in the Now - A Support System For Midlife Women in the Age of Miracles

Living in the Now - A Support System For Midlife Women in the Age of Miracles

By midlife, most of us have learned the secret to being Happy. It's the only game in town!If you want to find a sure way to stay that way, read on...
Today Is A New Day -- Anything Is Possible

Today Is A New Day -- Anything Is Possible

You wake up; it's a new dawn, a new day, and yet somehow it doesn't feel much different than the day before. It's like today has yesterday written all over it. Not only is it the same routine as the day before with perhaps a few variances here and there, but the feelings of yesterday
Play With Your Panic Attack By Playing With Your Mind

Play With Your Panic Attack By Playing With Your Mind

Most people, when they encounter a panic attack, will immediately feel the rushing sensation in their body, and their mind will suddenly go everywhere, unable to be controlled. It might be true for you as ...
Change your Mind, Change your Body Image

Change your Mind, Change your Body Image

When I work with bodybuilders, I teach them the relationship between how they conceive the shape of their body and how it actually is. Going further, I show them how by changing their mental image ...
Strengthen Your Strengths

Strengthen Your Strengths

A recent survey asked managers and leaders in work, "How often do you feel really energized in work and by what you do?" 73% of people answered "Once a week." None of us can win on "once a week". This can lead to people feeling that they're in the wrong job or they
5 Tips for Job Interviews That Will Boost Your Career

5 Tips for Job Interviews That Will Boost Your Career

It can be challenging to find the time for job interviews when you have to balance class schedules, work schedules, homework time and extracurricular activities, as well as a social life, if you are lucky ...
Targets of Opportunity

Targets of Opportunity

What are targets of opportunity? This is a term which is familiar to those who have spent time in the army, the targets being persons of the enemy who happen to be just where you happen to be looking. Yesterday I was talking to a surgeon who had also been in the war and he used this term "targe