Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Accentuating Appreciation

What's the single most important activity you can quickly do to show gratitude for gifts, catapult your name to the top of invitations, and leave the host smiling and thinking, "I really want you at my next party?" I'd thought you'd never ask...
It's the simple thank you note, a thank you card or, if you're crunched for time, a thank you e-mail.
Surely everyone verbally appreciates gifts, favors and courtesies.
It's built into our DNA.
(Well, most of ours.
) But putting it in writing transforms a simple gratitude into a beautiful act revealing the real you.
It puts the accent on appreciation.
It testifies that you not only want to acknowledge a good thing, but reply positively toward it.
Besides, people will remember your extra effort.
It shows them you thought they were important.
Plus what they did was so special you had to express it in writing.
And you admire them so much you took the time to transfer those feelings into words.
The secret in a good thank you note is keeping it simple and sweet.
Short and concise.
Let's look at this easy-to-do recipe: 1) The salutation.
Nothing fancy.
Their first name will work well.
A title such as "Mr.
, Señorita, or Captain" may also be appropriate for the special party.
Adding "Dear, Hi or Aloha" may also work well.
2) The message.
Keep it short and simple.
Get to the point.
Stay positive.
Give a compliment.
Create intrigue, humor or surprise.
What also works best is keeping a friendly, conversational tone.
3) The signature.
Be creative.
You can print your name, sign your name, use initials, a nickname or just your first name.
And if appropriate, give contact details if you're hinting them to call, FAX or e-mail you.
4) The timing.
Best to submit one within the week.
When the event is still fresh on everyone's minds.
If you plan in advance, you could write and drop off a card in the post office that very same day.
That will really surprise them.
5) The look.
It's more meaningful when you personally write your message.
Avoid using impersonal computer printers or address labels.
Decorative envelope stickers or decals with a gold or silver seal on the flap can add a nice touch.
Using an oversized stamp will stand out more than the common variety.
Here's the thank you note I recently wrote for Thanksgiving.
I confess that it was sent through e-mail and not the Post Office.
With better planning, a card would create more impact.
It's a little personal so bear with me.
Subject line: Charlie's Angels...
Charles, Thanks for a memorable Thanksgiving.
You are quite the host.
Greg and Constance were awesome cooks.
And the rest of the family wanted to know when you're tying the knot.
More celebrating of course! Mediterranean style.
The only difference between you and the TV show Charlie's Angels is that they could only afford three angels.
Seems you have an abundance of angels at your beck and call.
What's your secret? If you could package that and market it, you could live on Easy Street forever.
Ciao, T

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