In Your Present Sphere Of Leadership Do You Need Some Storm To Be Calmed, Soothed, And Resolved?
There are times and circumstances when leadership of the highest quality and with authoritative direction is required and almost demanded by those around us.
No matter where you lead and irrespective of what area of life you exercise your sphere of leadership specific clarity will be expected and particularly if there is danger or fear or anxiety.
After many genuine and sincere demands upon His time, Jesus Christ finally gets into a boat, with His chosen men, to sail across to the eastern shores of the Galilee.
He has been preaching, teaching, and answering questions, and He is physically worn out, drained, exhausted, and in need of rest.
He is human.
He is a man, and a man needs his sleep.
So often a good sleep is all we may need.
As Jesus lay there sound asleep, a storm arose.
Now, these fishermen knew the danger.
Did Jesus know what was happening? Having seen such a storm at five in the morning, caused by atmospheric conditions, it can be alarming.
Where we had been relaxing and swimming in warm calm waters ten hours previously, was now the scene of violent turmoil and noise.
Water was coming into the boat.
Jesus was sleeping.
The disciples roused Jesus, wondering if He did not care that all drowned.
This is a very human story.
The whole future work of God was in this fishing boat in the middle of a raging sea.
Did Satan think this was his chance? If Lord and disciples could be wiped out now, what a victory for the enemy! The enemy comes to discourage, depress, demoralise and destroy.
Do we realise that in business and banking and governmental circles? Controversy and conflict are not always accidental if they are ever accidental? There was a clash of kingdoms.
Which would win? We face this type of situation today.
Things come into our life.
We wonder why.
At such times, stay with Jesus Christ in the boat, and stay in the book, and you will remain safe.
This might be totally meaningless to many leaders, and some might even reject it and consider it to be irrelevant, but it just happens to be true.
There is wise direction and solid foundations on which to build as long as we stay in the Bible.
How many leaders thought they could act and behave otherwise and now they are finding out the sad reality to their upset and embarrassment? How many leaders have fallen because they thought they could do better and improve upon the ways in which Almighty God said a man should live his life? Corruption and greed and selfishness and ruthless ambition confront proud arrogant leadership with a massive cost.
Do we not hear now and again someone saying, "I am a self-made man"? I often want to retort by adding, "Yes, and it shows!" But we must get back to the boat on the Sea of Galilee.
It was impossible for that boat to sink, as long as Jesus Christ was in it.
That boat was more unsinkable than the most modern lifeboat.
Had they temporarily forgotten who He is, if they really knew who He was? He calmed that storm, with the equivalent of "Shut up!", or "Down!", as if an unruly dog was jumping up on you.
Do you need some kind of storm to be calmed and soothed and helped and healed today? Here is the answer and it works and it lasts!
No matter where you lead and irrespective of what area of life you exercise your sphere of leadership specific clarity will be expected and particularly if there is danger or fear or anxiety.
After many genuine and sincere demands upon His time, Jesus Christ finally gets into a boat, with His chosen men, to sail across to the eastern shores of the Galilee.
He has been preaching, teaching, and answering questions, and He is physically worn out, drained, exhausted, and in need of rest.
He is human.
He is a man, and a man needs his sleep.
So often a good sleep is all we may need.
As Jesus lay there sound asleep, a storm arose.
Now, these fishermen knew the danger.
Did Jesus know what was happening? Having seen such a storm at five in the morning, caused by atmospheric conditions, it can be alarming.
Where we had been relaxing and swimming in warm calm waters ten hours previously, was now the scene of violent turmoil and noise.
Water was coming into the boat.
Jesus was sleeping.
The disciples roused Jesus, wondering if He did not care that all drowned.
This is a very human story.
The whole future work of God was in this fishing boat in the middle of a raging sea.
Did Satan think this was his chance? If Lord and disciples could be wiped out now, what a victory for the enemy! The enemy comes to discourage, depress, demoralise and destroy.
Do we realise that in business and banking and governmental circles? Controversy and conflict are not always accidental if they are ever accidental? There was a clash of kingdoms.
Which would win? We face this type of situation today.
Things come into our life.
We wonder why.
At such times, stay with Jesus Christ in the boat, and stay in the book, and you will remain safe.
This might be totally meaningless to many leaders, and some might even reject it and consider it to be irrelevant, but it just happens to be true.
There is wise direction and solid foundations on which to build as long as we stay in the Bible.
How many leaders thought they could act and behave otherwise and now they are finding out the sad reality to their upset and embarrassment? How many leaders have fallen because they thought they could do better and improve upon the ways in which Almighty God said a man should live his life? Corruption and greed and selfishness and ruthless ambition confront proud arrogant leadership with a massive cost.
Do we not hear now and again someone saying, "I am a self-made man"? I often want to retort by adding, "Yes, and it shows!" But we must get back to the boat on the Sea of Galilee.
It was impossible for that boat to sink, as long as Jesus Christ was in it.
That boat was more unsinkable than the most modern lifeboat.
Had they temporarily forgotten who He is, if they really knew who He was? He calmed that storm, with the equivalent of "Shut up!", or "Down!", as if an unruly dog was jumping up on you.
Do you need some kind of storm to be calmed and soothed and helped and healed today? Here is the answer and it works and it lasts!