Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Secondary Death - Part 1

Secondary Death - Part 1

Each day we are faced with many trials and tribulations and we can either choose to deal with them or let them take control of our lives. When we fall subject to temptation and or suffer from an extreme addiction it is likely that we suffer a secondary death.
Changing Your Mindset

Changing Your Mindset

These are all questions that when asking ourselves, we need to be completely honest. If we are not honest, our frustrations will continue and we'll never be able to move forward. The first step each of us needs to make is to identify what is holding us back from achieving our dreams. Only once
Quotes On Getting Through Tough Times And Staying Positive

Quotes On Getting Through Tough Times And Staying Positive

Life can get a little challenging at times; but if you read quotes on getting through tough times, you’ll find yourself feeling a little better. Suddenly, your situation doesn’t seem to be as dire as it seemed a moment ago.
Hints For Sadhana - Your Spiritual Self Culture

Hints For Sadhana - Your Spiritual Self Culture

Sadhana is the term used in Yoga for our personal spiritual programme of self discipline that is entirely private. It represents all that we do in self culture to transform our personality to become an expression of our principles and ideals. However, there are some simple hints that may fill in the
Motivational Speaker Says: To Boost Your Attitude Change Your Personal Routine

Motivational Speaker Says: To Boost Your Attitude Change Your Personal Routine

Why do people travel, taking vacations in faraway and unusual places?Why is it that the best thing in the world for someone's career may be moving from one place in the country, or in the world for that matter, to another?Why do companies, that aren't changing their products or services at
Creatively Stressed - Anxiety is NOT the Enemy!

Creatively Stressed - Anxiety is NOT the Enemy!

You're obsessed. You're obsessed with your work, your craft. You think about your art, your character, painting, sculpture, upcoming tour, or screenplay seemingly every waking minute of every day. Heck, you even dream about it!
Managing People Causes Disengagement

Managing People Causes Disengagement

Regardless of whether your title is that of executive, director, or manager, managing people instead of leading them, drives down engagement. I've always loved the expression, "Things get managed, but people get led.
The Myth Of A Photographic Memory

The Myth Of A Photographic Memory

Numerous scientific studies have suggested that photographic memory is probably a myth, as no signs of a photographic memory has ever really have been documented. But surely everyone has already met someone who said something like "I remember you, but I don't recall your name. See, I have
The Alexander Technique, Fibromyalgia, Cfs: End Gaining, Tension, Release And The Four Concepts Of G

The Alexander Technique, Fibromyalgia, Cfs: End Gaining, Tension, Release And The Four Concepts Of G

Society has made remarkable medical and scientific advances over the last few hundred years, but there are still many serious diseases that continue to baffle doctors and scientists.Indeed, many "diseases of modern society" are reaching epidemic proportions.These include backache, neck and
You Are Loved, Lovable and Worthy of Love

You Are Loved, Lovable and Worthy of Love

Though pain is an enlightening, illuminating aspect of life, it can also serve as a great hinderance. These dark times function as the greater part of You emerging. Breathe and allow your Light to shine, allow your heart to open. You are unique. You are special. You are loved, lovable, and worthy of
Everything Is Energy or Is It?

Everything Is Energy or Is It?

You often hear people in the holistic movement talk about energy. They might say, 'I like the energy there' or 'the energy here is heavy'. Energy is a word which does not mean very much.
Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Really Good Life Coach?

Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Really Good Life Coach?

Right now there is a shortage of good life coaches. Gone are the days when this service was only sought by senior executives and celebrities. Gone are the days when it was only those in the boardroom or on the film set who sat and had regular sessions with a coach.
Data Dumping For The Creative Genius Of Original Thought

Data Dumping For The Creative Genius Of Original Thought

Creative geniuses have to be careful that they do not get too caught up in all their ideas.Some creative geniuses have two or three excellent ideas per day. Many of the concepts they create are not economically viable although they are quite unique. Therefore a creative genius will need to data dump
Seven Chakras & Seven Activities to Empower Them

Seven Chakras & Seven Activities to Empower Them

The Chakras are constantly regulating your energy, not just the energy of your body itself but also from the environment around you. There are many ways to empower your Chakras and what suits one individual may not appeal to the next, what is important is that you find something you enjoy and that w
Achieve Your DreamsA Practical Step In Achieving Your Dreams And Living The Life Of Your Dream

Achieve Your DreamsA Practical Step In Achieving Your Dreams And Living The Life Of Your Dream

Achieve your dreams are the tasks designed to bring you to your goals faster. Best-selling author Timothy Ferriss once said: doing the right things is infinitely more important than doing things right. Efficiency is still very important, but only when you do the right things; the things that will br
5 Ways to Destroy the Worry of What Others Think About Us

5 Ways to Destroy the Worry of What Others Think About Us

Blushing, nausea, sickness, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, diarrhoea, headaches, shortness of breath, shaking, negative body language, dry mouth and nightmares are just a sample of reactions that are caused from the worry of what ...
Important Factors That Will Make You Susceptible To Clinical

Important Factors That Will Make You Susceptible To Clinical

Are you feeling down and disappointed, depressed or is it just life's normal low moments? How do you tell if you are suffering from a serious case of depression or it is simply a mild passing cloud of life's up and down? That are a number of factors that predispose someone to greater risks
Use Hypnosis In Normal Conversation!

Use Hypnosis In Normal Conversation!

Often we think of hypnosis as a formal process in which the hypnotist drones on and on about nothing until the subject finally succumbs to boredom and goes into a trance state in which the ...
Why Would Anyway Move Backwards?

Why Would Anyway Move Backwards?

Why Would Anyone Move Backwards? "Have you considered going back on Welfare?" Too many people have asked me this question in the last four months or so. It's offensive really, even though I know their ...
The Gap Between Wanting and Having

The Gap Between Wanting and Having

There are things for us all that we want but do not have. How do we move from the state of wanting to having?