Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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How to Feel Good About Finishing First in the Money Game

How to Feel Good About Finishing First in the Money Game

Does the idea of out-competing others for money make you feel a little uneasy or uncomfortable? If it does, you can be sure that this attitude is costing you money. Why? Unconsciously, such an attitude ...
Strategies to Target and Improve Creative Thinking

Strategies to Target and Improve Creative Thinking

Do you usually get a creative thought at the most inconvenient time? Maybe it is while grocery shopping, or on your way to work? Keep these thoughts alive and do not forget them by writing them down, even if you write in a brief sentence structure. You can expand later. The important thing is not to
Secrets To Success: If You Don't Know How To Dream, You Are Dead

Secrets To Success: If You Don't Know How To Dream, You Are Dead

It is only our dreams that make us alive. Dreams are the songs of your soul and without them; you will really have nothing to live for. Your life will be nothing but a dry routine. If you are not dreaming, you are practically dead. This is so simply because without passion and enthusiasm in your lif
Are You The See-er Or The Seen? Discover The Key To Joyful Service

Are You The See-er Or The Seen? Discover The Key To Joyful Service

Are you concerned about how others see you?When you sit down to write an article -- like I am now -- or have a conversation with a prospective client, speak to an audience, or show your work it is easy to be concerned about how you look, how you will be seen. Will you be accepted or rejected? Praise
Hypnosis Confidence Downloads Help You to Believe That You Can Change

Hypnosis Confidence Downloads Help You to Believe That You Can Change

There is a big difference between just wanting to change and actually making effective changes in your life. Hypnosis is a tool which makes change a whole lot easier.
To Lead A Better Life, Start Practising Positive Affirmations

To Lead A Better Life, Start Practising Positive Affirmations

We need to change the way of our thought process so that the Providence will show us favor and endow us with more prosperity. Having a negative outlook in life is a big obstacle to that, but we can work on it by practising positive affirmations.
Do You Respect Your Time? If You Don't, Others Won't Either!

Do You Respect Your Time? If You Don't, Others Won't Either!

Have you been experiencing that lately that people are always late to always late for meetings? That's the law of attraction in action; somehow you haven't been true to your own values.
7 Steps to Enhance Your Memory and Concentration

7 Steps to Enhance Your Memory and Concentration

7 Steps to improving your memory and concentration.Take a look at the key techniques used. Meditation, supplementation, diet, motivation etc..
Money Visualization Techniques: 3 Powerful Ways To Attract Massive Wealth And Happiness

Money Visualization Techniques: 3 Powerful Ways To Attract Massive Wealth And Happiness

Money visualization techniques help you attract more money and prosperity to your life. Don't worry though. These wealth attraction methods I am about to impart are easy and even fun to do.
In Leadership, Identifying Dreams That Lead To Great Results

In Leadership, Identifying Dreams That Lead To Great Results

The importance of motivation in leadership cannot be denied.But most leaders overlook a critical component of motivation, the human dream. Before you can work with people's dreams, you must identify what they dream, a sometimes difficult task.Here's how to make such an identification.
Practice: Does Practice Make Perfect?

Practice: Does Practice Make Perfect?

Human beings are often born with a certain ability or a number of abilities and these will vary from person to person. Other people may enable one to realise what they are good at or one may have to get in touch or 'find' what they are good at themselves.
How to Hypnotize People - Everything You Need to Know

How to Hypnotize People - Everything You Need to Know

Because of people's preconceived notions of what hypnosis is all about, the facts remain muddled to many up to this day. The fact is, it is not that hard to learn how to hypnotize people. Hypnosis is a state where a person's mind is completely relaxed or concentrated on something.
Are You Open to Receiving?

Are You Open to Receiving?

Are you looking to create more wealth and abundance in your life? The truth is, we all have the potential to create endless abundance and miracles in our lives on a daily basis. Yes, it's true! This article will show you that abundance, love, prosperity, and anything else you may possibly want
Aim You Goal And Hit It Right

Aim You Goal And Hit It Right

Ambition, the word itself is what we live for. The urge to reach up to your goal is the determination you carry. As much dedicated and sincere you are, more closer you will reach to your aim. One shou
You Can Do It - The Sky's The Limit!

You Can Do It - The Sky's The Limit!

You can do it! If there is something that you want to do before you die, write it down and put the wheels in motion until it becomes a reality. Go out and live your dreams!
Why We Need to Feel Good All the Time

Why We Need to Feel Good All the Time

There's more to feeling good than meets the eye. The Law of Attraction states the fact that thoughts are things. Knowing this fact, it is a necessity for us to make it a habit to feel good all the time. Read on to know why.
Law Of Attraction: Is Patience Your Missing Link?

Law Of Attraction: Is Patience Your Missing Link?

When you truly believe in the power of the law of attraction, you know you can handover your trust to the Universe to know what's best for you. You will allow time to run its course before you 'reap what you sow' and meanwhile allow yourself to relax and go with the flow. This is call
The Time Is Right

The Time Is Right

Ticktock, ticktock, take 10 seconds and watch the second hand on your watch or clock speed roundand count them off.
Tips For Igniting The Passion Within You

Tips For Igniting The Passion Within You

This article talks about ways to recapture passion and inspiration back into your life.
Do You Know What Kind of a Relationship You Have With Your Career or Your Business?

Do You Know What Kind of a Relationship You Have With Your Career or Your Business?

Think about what makes up a relationship. There is you and the other. In addition, whether you realize it or not, you have a perception of yourself relative to the other person, and a perception of the other person relative to you. So, you with all of your known and unknown perceptions and ideas, co