Changing Your Mindset
These are all questions that when asking ourselves, we need to be completely honest.
If we are not honest, our frustrations will continue and we'll never be able to move forward.
The first step each of us needs to make is to identify what is holding us back from achieving our dreams.
Only once they are identified can we work on them.
In order to work on them, make a plan and set goals! If you do the same thing tomorrow that you did today, you will certainly get the same results.
If you want your life to head in a different direction, you need to do something different in your routine.
The only way you can get out of the rut of an average life, is if YOU do something that will set you apart.
It doesn't matter what it is, start with baby steps.
Go to the library and borrow a book on that hobby you have always wanted to learn, enrol in a distance learning course to increase your education, start exercising.
The possibilities are endless, you just need to start, and start now! Never wait till tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes.
To give you some perspective, here is an example from my own life.
I consider myself an entrepreneur.
I have set high goals and standards for myself.
Since adapting this new line of thought I have cut out tension relieving activities, and allocated that free time to goal achieving activities.
I went from watching at least 15 hours of T.
to watching no T.
We recently got rid of our T.
which was a difficult decision, but I am now reaping the rewards of allocating my time elsewhere.
It is up to you to decide what you want to do with your free time, but this is a personal example of what I have done to free up some time.
Now I spend that time studying and trying to build business relationships and feel that I am no longer living an average life.
I'm living for something bigger.
In 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki talks about what it takes to become a sophisticated investor.
He states that you need be earning at least $200,000 a year, and then goes on to say that if you think that is a lot of money, you are right, it is, and it probably always will be to you.
But, if you see that as an achievable goal to set yourself, you will get there.
A large proportion of our lives are determined by the personal perception we have of ourselves, our values, our beliefs and our surroundings.
If you want to live an above average life, then start by changing your mindset.
Changing your mindset involves the stubborn side of your attitude.
You need to decide what you want to do or believe and refuse to believe anything else.
You need to decide that $200,000 is not a lot of money and start exploring and studying ways for you to achieve your earnings goal, whether it is $100,000, or $1 million, or $100 million.
If you get the chance Google 'Bill Bartman' and see the decisions he made to get to where he is today.
The bottom line is that it is up to you and only you to make a difference in your life.
Don't worry about things out of your control, only focus on what you can control.
Start with changing your mindset.
If we are not honest, our frustrations will continue and we'll never be able to move forward.
The first step each of us needs to make is to identify what is holding us back from achieving our dreams.
Only once they are identified can we work on them.
In order to work on them, make a plan and set goals! If you do the same thing tomorrow that you did today, you will certainly get the same results.
If you want your life to head in a different direction, you need to do something different in your routine.
The only way you can get out of the rut of an average life, is if YOU do something that will set you apart.
It doesn't matter what it is, start with baby steps.
Go to the library and borrow a book on that hobby you have always wanted to learn, enrol in a distance learning course to increase your education, start exercising.
The possibilities are endless, you just need to start, and start now! Never wait till tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes.
To give you some perspective, here is an example from my own life.
I consider myself an entrepreneur.
I have set high goals and standards for myself.
Since adapting this new line of thought I have cut out tension relieving activities, and allocated that free time to goal achieving activities.
I went from watching at least 15 hours of T.
to watching no T.
We recently got rid of our T.
which was a difficult decision, but I am now reaping the rewards of allocating my time elsewhere.
It is up to you to decide what you want to do with your free time, but this is a personal example of what I have done to free up some time.
Now I spend that time studying and trying to build business relationships and feel that I am no longer living an average life.
I'm living for something bigger.
In 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki talks about what it takes to become a sophisticated investor.
He states that you need be earning at least $200,000 a year, and then goes on to say that if you think that is a lot of money, you are right, it is, and it probably always will be to you.
But, if you see that as an achievable goal to set yourself, you will get there.
A large proportion of our lives are determined by the personal perception we have of ourselves, our values, our beliefs and our surroundings.
If you want to live an above average life, then start by changing your mindset.
Changing your mindset involves the stubborn side of your attitude.
You need to decide what you want to do or believe and refuse to believe anything else.
You need to decide that $200,000 is not a lot of money and start exploring and studying ways for you to achieve your earnings goal, whether it is $100,000, or $1 million, or $100 million.
If you get the chance Google 'Bill Bartman' and see the decisions he made to get to where he is today.
The bottom line is that it is up to you and only you to make a difference in your life.
Don't worry about things out of your control, only focus on what you can control.
Start with changing your mindset.