Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Seven Chakras & Seven Activities to Empower Them

The Chakras is the commonly accepted term we use to describe the main energy centers of the human body.
Although there are more than seven, we tend to mainly work with these major ones.
These Chakras are located along the length of the spine, starting at the lowermost point, right up to the top of the skull itself.
These centers are constantly regulating your energy, not just the energy of your body itself but also from the environment around you.
There are many ways to empower your Chakras and what suits one individual may not appeal to the next, what is important is that you find something you enjoy and that works for you.
Each of these activities I mention to empower your Chakras can only be even more effective when you harness the power of your mind.
By that I simply mean, really focusing on the activity and your enjoyment of it, knowing it is done with the intention of empowerment.
When you are fully present in the activities and are conscious of enhancing your energy, they truly become a much more powerful process.
Your energy and Chakras can only benefit.
Most of these activities work on more than one Chakra at a time; Physical Exercise; Of course one of the best known activities associated with the Chakras directly is Yoga.
The word means ' to make whole' or 'unite', the ultimate goal being to unite mind, body and spirit.
Although there are many kinds you do not have to go to extremes to benefit from yoga, there are some very simple exercises that do not involve you tying yourself in knots or standing for hours upside down! Pilates is a great alternative, it works directly with your 'inner core' muscles and is particularly good for the back and stomach regions, although it too is a full body workout.
It does not tend to incorporate the meditation aspect that yoga does but personally I find that as I am fully focused on concentrating on the slow movements and breathing it functions in much the same way.
Just about any form of exercise can be empowering for your chakras.
Anything from walking, to tennis, to swimming and basketball.
Physical exercise benefits all of the chakras, as it has an affect on your circulation and coordination and is by its' very nature moving your energy.
* Singing.
Singing is probably an unusual activity to be mentioned but it is very important.
"Finding your voice" can be a very profound part of your journey, whether you regard life as a spiritual journey or whether you simply view communicating clearly as a healthy way of functioning.
There is no need to sing aloud in public, this is all about you.
Even singing out loud in the car to the latest songs can be very uplifting and invigorating.
The lyrics mixed with the harmony can create so many different experiences in your mind.
I have no doubt you can recall an old love song that moved you to tears or that stirred some strong emotions in you.
Music can take you to any part of the world without leaving your armchair! Some cultures enjoy chanting, making deep resonant sounds.
Although this may not appeal to you, it is useful to know that each Chakra resonates at a different frequency.
Singing is widely accepted and can be very empowering.
There are healing therapies specifically using Sound and these can be very effective.
Dancing; You do not need a partner for dancing to be enjoyable and effective at empowering your chakra energy.
It directly affects the Base Chakra as it is a form of physical movement but the Sacral Chakra loves dance too.
It does not have to be a rigorous affair, some simple, swaying movements can be just as useful.
Ideally though it should not be something you feel self conscious about.
It's about you and your own personal rhythm.
No fixed routines are needed, just a fluid, natural motion that feels good to you.
Any movement helps the energy flow.
Dancing or physical movement can be of great help to people tackling some kind of creative block or hurdle in life.
It can bring a much sought after sense of fun.
Belly dancing is a fabulous way of moving your body.
When you focus on the new moves, you are not just stimulating your body into action but your brain too! Dance can also have a very beneficial effect on your confidence.
For women it can enhance your sensual nature and powerful feminine energies too.
Gardening; This is a naturally physical and 'grounding' activity.
It can be immensely empowering and too easily underated.
It keeps you in touch with the powerful energy of Mother Nature herself.
Outdoors you can exchange your pent up, stressful energies and tensions for the calming, soothing vibrations of the organic world.
This can be particularly useful during times when you may find yourself 'too much in your head',full of worry and concern.
Simple tasks such as tidying bedding plants and borders, even sweeping leaves can really shift your energy to a far better place.
* Immersing Yourself in Your favourite hobby or pastime.
Any activity which you pursue simply for pleasure just because you love it! Whether that be reading, sewing, painting, walking - whatever.
In these times we can forget the worries of the world and get lost in the enjoyment of something, this stimulates not only your inner child but your spirit too.
It is at these times you allow your natural creativity, your sense of wonder and fun to shine through.
The trouble is many of us consider this to be a luxury that is all too easy to forego in the busy schedule of the modern world.
It is vitally important though to your wellbeing and happiness levels.
This can positively 'feed' the energy of the Heart Chakra in particular as well as others.
It is important to spend time valuing yourself.
* Visualization.
The real power of your mind lies in your ability to visualize and your imagination.
Through listening to guided meditation or visualization recordings you can direct energy with your mind; you can actively cleanse and re-energize your Chakras this way.
* Relaxation! This is the least 'active' in this list of activities but one of the nicest! Deep relaxation is so beneficial in so many ways.
The body cannot be relaxed and tense at the same time.
Many people do not relax deeply at all, wrongly assuming that sitting on the couch in front of the TV is relaxing.
It is, but only on a surface level, until you experience deep relaxation for yourself it will probably be hard to comprehend the difference - but there is a huge difference.
Even though you may be sitting, you will probably still be holding tension in your muscles.
In deep relaxation, it is not just your muscles that relax but also your mind and emotions can too.
It is often in this deeply relaxed, calm state that you can more easily reconnect with your Spiritual Self, your Higher Self.
Chakra energy is not just about physical energy as such but it encompasses the energy of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
The most empowering activity in terms of your chakra energy will be one you enjoy.
Afterall, the more you enjoy it, the more likely you are going to want to repeat it and make it a regular part of your life.
This way you will reap the biggest benefits as any activity, regardless of how empowering it may be, is not of much use done only once on the odd rare occasion.
Balance is a key factor, so much of our daily life can easily pull us out of sync that it is important for us to be able to easily redress that by using simple and effective methods such as those listed above.

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