Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Why Would Anyway Move Backwards?

Why Would Anyone Move Backwards?

"Have you considered going back on Welfare?"

Too many people have asked me this question in the last four months or so. It's offensive really, even though I know their hearts are in the right place. I've come to answer, "Why would I regress instead of progress?"

Getting to a place and point in my life where I didn't need government help was an accomplishment. Something I'm very proud of and it took many years to get too. My mentality doesn't work in this fashion. I'll find a way before I go back to welfare. It's my motivation, my why, my memories that keep me focused. I have come to realize in life that you are what you make yourself to be. I'm a single mother who has come a long way in life and I know I still have a long way to go. That is still no reason to go back on welfare, furthermore I enjoy a good challenge.

I've been off welfare now for over five years...I am still learning about myself and about life, that's what makes it so interesting I continue to learn. My mentality has changed greatly and my why's in life are stronger then ever. It's been my experience that when the pain is great enough you will make the change. It's in these moments of great change when our lives begin to unfold in front of our eyes, and our greatest accomplishments emerge from us. In these moments we look for what we need to change, we are conscious of what we need to change. It's at the forefront of our minds. Therefore, we move towards our goals and dreams because thats what we want. It's as if the Universe is forcing us to make those changes.

Life is a journey and we should be learning the whole way. When we stop learning is when stagnation sets in and boredom, the mundane routines of life get the better of us. We then accept this as the norm and we forget to challenge ourselves and our minds. Our lives should be filled with questions, and those questions should lead to more questions... it's a never ending cycle. However, this is how we continue to grow and prosper as individuals and as a society. Can you see the endless possibilities?

Our minds serve as a tool to guide us to our destination, whatever that may be for you. Our minds have embedded into our subconscious what to do, say, hope, dream, aspire, and all the negative aspects as well. This comes from our past experience with people and situations we have been in. What do you say in your mind? Quietly and aloud? The mind is an awesome tool once you've learned to harness its power. It's also a fun tool, the things we can create in our lives. Then again, we can create things that aren't so fun.

So will I ever go on welfare again? Not likely, I'm doing too good at what I'm doing now and having a blast doing it. I'm also loving the challenges life is bringing to me. Do I struggle? Yes, I have my days and I have my weeks that seem to drag on and seem like things will never look up again, but you know what? Life always turns out the way its supposed to, it always shows us the way and we will always get what we are truly wanting. Thats why it's so important to know what you are thinking on a consistent basis. What do you say to yourself in your head and aloud? Think about that long and hard, then change what no longer serves you in your best interest. Change... perhaps I'll write an article on that!

Happy thinking!

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