Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Gap Between Wanting and Having

There are things for us all that we want but do not have.
How do we move from the state of wanting to having? 1.
Get as clear as possible about what you want.
Add as many details and fully flesh out the end goal.
Feel what it would be like to achieve your goal.
Visualize having what you want.
Brainstorm as many possible and legal ways of achieving this goal.
At this point, write down everything you can think of even if it is something you believe at this stage you would never do.
For instance, if your end goal is being debt free by the end of 2010, your brainstorming session may look like this: Get a full time job Get a second job Start a full time or part time business Solicit gifts Sell possessions Cut spending by 30% And so on.
Remove from your list anything that you are not willing or able to do at this time.
For each item left on your list, work out all the action steps involved: For example: Sell possessions.
-Sign up for eBay or other auction sites -Take pictures of items to be sold -Set up PayPal account or other merchant services.
-Post items on chosen auction site -Buy packaging materials -Mail all items in a timely manner Again make sure that you are willing to do all the items in your action list and include learning if you do not know how to do any of the steps.
When you have a list of actionable steps that you are willing and able to do, start taking action immediately.
If you are left without any items that you can take imminent action upon then repeat step 2 with a friend or coach or re-examine your original want to see if in light of your unwillingness to take action, it is something you really want or whether there are mindsets that get in the way of you moving forward.

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