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How to Remove Battery Acid Marks From Alloy Rims

    • 1). Turn the lug nuts on all four wheels a quarter turn counterclockwise.

    • 2). Place the jack under the front jack point on your vehicle and jack up on it.

    • 3). Place jack stands under each of the front pinch welds and lower the vehicle onto the jack stands.

    • 4). Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the rear of the vehicle. Use the rear jack point located near the trunk, and use the rear pinch welds.

    • 5). Finish removing the lug nuts and remove the wheel.

    • 6). Tape off the tire using newspaper and masking tape. Cover areas you don't want painted.

    • 7). Sand down the finish on the rim and rough up the surface. Remove any powder coating or existing finish on the rim.

    • 8). Wipe off the rim with a clean rag.

    • 9). Spray one coat of Rustoleum on the rim and let it sit for 15 minutes. Spray a second coat and let it dry. Repeat this process until you have the desired coverage.

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      Remove the taped areas, reinstall the tires and tighten down the lug nuts.

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