Technology computers-hardware

How to Burn an MP3 on a DVD

    • 1). Insert your blank DVD-R (standing for DVD Recordable) into your computer's DVD drive. Depending on one's Operating System, a small window will open. Close this window and proceed.

    • 2). Open your "My Computer" screen (or OS equivalent for Mac/Linux users) and double-click on the DVD drive to open the contents of the DVD in a new window. This folder should be blank.

    • 3). Locate the mp3 files you wish to burn to disk. For expediency sake, consider putting these files in either your "My Music" folder or on your desktop.

    • 4). Drag your mp3 files into the DVD window. This will open up a new window asking you if you want to copy the files to disk. Click "Yes."

    • 5). Give a name to the DVD (this means next to nothing, ultimately) and click "Record" or "Burn" to begin copying the files to disk. When the process eventually finishes, let the computer close the disk to complete the process.

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