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How to Replace the Outside Mirror on a 2001 Toyota Camry

    • 1). Open the door on your Camry as far as it goes.

    • 2). Locate and remove the plastic cover opposite the plastic mirror shell. The cover is on the inside of the door. To remove it, pull on each side until the plastic tabs pop out of the door. This exposes the wiring harness and the mounting studs for the mirror shell.

    • 3). Disconnect the wiring harness that connects the mirror's motor to the electrical system of the Camry.

    • 4). Remove the three nuts that secure the plastic shell to the door with a 7/16-inch long well socket and ratchet.

    • 5). Slide the mirror shell out of the door. Be careful when removing the shell, because the long threaded studs molded into the shell can chip the paint on your door.

    • 6). Slide the new mirror and shell into the door.

    • 7). Bolt the mirror into place with the three nuts provided with the new mirror.

    • 8). Reconnect the wiring harness.

    • 9). Place the cover back over the wiring harness, and push it until you hear the cover snap into place.

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