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How to Fix Rear Bearings in a Maytag Stacked Unit

    • 1). Pull the unit out from the wall and unplug it from the electrical outlet.

    • 2). Turn the water supply line connected to the washer off and then disconnect the hoses. Disconnect the dryer vent.

    • 3). Loosen and remove the dryer back panel screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Lift the rear panel up and off.

    • 4). Use the screwdriver to remove the heating element housing retaining screws and then lift the element out of the way after disconnecting it from its wiring harness.

    • 5). Use the nut driver to remove the retaining nut holding the old rear bearing housing in place. Install the new rear bearing housing and tighten it down. The bearing housing is on the bottom right-hand side of the dryer -- the top machine. The housing itself is round.

    • 6). Set the heating element housing back in place, plug in its wiring harness and replace its retaining screw.

    • 7). Hold the back panel back in place and replace the retaining screws with the screwdriver.

    • 8). Reconnect the dryer vent and the water hoses and then plug the unit back in. Slide the stacked unit back in place and then turn the dryer on to test the new bearing, to make sure it does not make any unusual noise.

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