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How to Install an Ignition Switch in a Chevrolet

    Removing the Old Ignition Switch

    • 1). Remove the steering wheel housing. This will be held on by two screws. One will be in the front and the other will be in the back of the housing. The screws are usually Phillips heads or star-shaped heads.

    • 2). Locate the switch behind behind the key tumbler. It will be held by a screw.

    • 3). Remove the screw holding in the switch. The switch will work its way loose.

    • 4). Unattach the pigtail attached to the back of the ignition switch. They should lock in with a tab that needs to be folded up so the pigtail can be slid out.

    • 5). Remove the old switch. It will slide right out.

    Installing the Ignition Switch

    • 1). Install the new switch. Inspect to make sure it looks like the old one.

    • 2). Plug the wiring into the back of the switch. The wiring pigtail will lock into place.

    • 3). Screw the switch back into position where the old one was removed. The new switch should sit in the same as the old one.

    • 4). Place the steering column housing back around the steering wheel. Install it as you took it off. The housing is set to fit around the column and fits one way.

    • 5). Tighten the screws on the housing. The housing should be snug.

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