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How to Adjust the Timing in a Saturn Ion

    • 1). Ensure the car battery is fully charged or connected to a reliable battery charger. Turn the key to the "On" position but do not start the engine. Turn off any accessories such as lights, radio and climate control. Tilt the steering wheel up as high as possible and identify the diagnostic connector underneath.

    • 2). Connect the computer to the Tech 2 scan tool with a cable pass-through device and start the GM recalibration software. Plug the Tech 2 scan tool into the diagnostic connector located directly below the steering wheel.

    • 3). Verify the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) found by looking through the windshield at the driver side dash. Select the options that are appropriate for your vehicle and choose "Normal Reprogramming." Pick the recalibration version desired carefully as it's not possible to return to an earlier version.

    • 4). Begin the data transfer and wait until the "Programming Complete" message appears on the computer, which can take up to 30 minutes. Turn the ignition off and disconnect the Tech 2 scan tool from the diagnostic connector.

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